Knoxville folks, my small group and I want to regularly bring food to a homeless camp. Quick question:



First of his name
Jan 26, 2010
We want to find a camp that we can deliver regular meals to, but as bad as this sounds, we don't want it to be a camp that gets a ton of "attention" from the rest of the city.

For instance the homeless area under the bridge near downtown is where everyone goes to donate. We would rather find one where very few people even know about or give any assistance to.

Any ideas?
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I have been homeless for several years when I moved out of state. I can tell you that you don't need heat. The people are not as dangerous as people living in apartments. For instance, they have been starving for days and now you are bringing hot chow? I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about besides being told "thank you" profusely. Moreover, the chances of a homeless person owning a gun? I know it's a small fraction of the chances of someone who has a place. You literally have to carry anything you don't want to have stolen on your back. I will offer you advice: take socks and lots of liquid and bug spray. If you want a guide to help you, I would enjoy it. It is a very terrible thing for this country to be spending kajillions for Israeli weapons and AID for Taiwan Ukraine and the plutocrats overseas bank accounts when there are so many living in unimaginable hell. You know what is the difference between a homeless man and a rich man? The vagina they exited from.... I know highly intelligent, Christian people that are homeless because they were born into poverty. I know rapists,drug addicts,killers etc who drive 2024 Rams and beat up their 75year old Vietnam Vet dad to get his pills or money. It's truly appalling and sickening how people can allow others to suffer when they are flying jets to various vacation spots and buying new houses and cars every year. I myself have been working my butt off for the privilege of having an abandoned apartment to live in. But it's HEAVEN. GO VOLS!

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