War in Ukraine

So just to be clear... Russia is progessing? Russia is advancing, right?

Russia *was* definitely advancing on Kharkiv. Now it would appear they are no longer advancing.

The US and our allies won't allow Russia to get within tube artillery range of Kharkiv. As such, we'll provide them with what they need to prevent this and, likely, push the Russians back some.

The overarching political question that remains unanswered is whether we want Ukraine to actually win this war, or whether we're satisfied with a drawn-out war of attrition where Russia is slowly bled dry.
If it was held at gun point, where is the revolution and protests from the Crimean citizens? Because Russia is losing, right???
No, Russia has been advancing for a few months, maybe more, after a year or more of stalemate. Those advances seem to be bogging down some, I've not seen enough reporting to determine exactly why that is though.

The revolution? Those that could leave have, those that aren't able to are keeping their heads low because they know what happens to political opponents in Russia, just imagine what happens to you in a war zone!

Playing dumb to support Russia is about the most pathetic example of "simping" imaginable.
Ukrainian Bradley v. 2 Russian BTRs...

Wonder who wins the fight. Also wonder what that TOW missile looks like coming straight at you.


This guy. Should have stayed in bed, bro.

Reminds me of @volgr every time he posts here.

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No, Russia has been advancing for a few months, maybe more, after a year or more of stalemate. Those advances seem to be bogging down some, I've not seen enough reporting to determine exactly why that is though.

The revolution? Those that could leave have, those that aren't able to are keeping their heads low because they know what happens to political opponents in Russia, just imagine what happens to you in a war zone!

Playing dumb to support Russia is about the most pathetic example of "simping" imaginable.

I would say anyone telling me as an American I should be support the Ukraine with my money is the biggest traitor, as if you believe the narrative we were all feed i.e. lie. The Ukraine is our enemy as well. That is what I was told my whole life either directly or indirectly, when did the Ukraine become my buddy?

Why exactly is the Ukraine my friend but not Russia? I would think it would be the opposite as the Ukraine was clearly in Jello Man's pocket.

The whole time I've been alive the narrative is - Russia is my enemy. Why?

In the meantime, my own government with politicians and with the help of the UK government conspired to form a lie i.e. Russia gate which to this date has not been addressed in any meaningful way.

My take is Russia has a valid point, although I think its okay to disagree with that point. But on the flip side, its not really our business, us meddling in the business actually helps support the idea that the point is valid.

Why exactly should I care if Russia destroys it all?
Those advances seem to be bogging down some, I've not seen enough reporting to determine exactly why that is though.

Essentially, Russia opened another front. Ukraine did not build fortifications within artillery range of the border for obvious reasons. This created a no-man's land. When Russia opened up their new front, their offensive quickly took over no-man's land and halted once they reached the Ukrainian fortifications built outside of artillery range. Add in new a supply of Western weapons and the outcome quickly became bleak for the Russians.
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I would say anyone telling me as an American I should be support the Ukraine with my money is the biggest traitor, as if you believe the narrative we were all feed i.e. lie. The Ukraine is our enemy as well. That is what I was told my whole life either directly or indirectly, when did the Ukraine become my buddy?

Why exactly is the Ukraine my friend but not Russia? I would think it would be the opposite as the Ukraine was clearly in Jello Man's pocket.

The whole time I've been alive the narrative is - Russia is my enemy. Why?

In the meantime, my own government with politicians and with the help of the UK government conspired to form a lie i.e. Russia gate which to this date has not been addressed in any meaningful way.

My take is Russia has a valid point, although I think its okay to disagree with that point. But on the flip side, its not really our business, us meddling in the business actually helps support the idea that the point is valid.

Why exactly should I care if Russia destroys it all?

Questioning our resources going to Ukraine is legitimate.

Thinking Russia will ever view you as anything other than their arch enemy makes you a "useful idiot" in their eyes.

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