Phil Fulmer to step down today

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The Phil Fulmer rumors are rampant
Fulmer will step down in a 5pm press conference

Breaking News: Phillip Fulmer will step down after 16 seasons. A formal announcement will follow this afternoon.  Discussion here.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

5 responses to “Phil Fulmer to step down today”

  1. A sad day for all true Vol fans. No one loves the University more that Coach Fulmer. The Vols got caught without a quarterback for the first time in many years, and that’s what did him in. But thanks to Coach Fulmer the Vols just signed the number one quarterback prospect in the country. All good things must come to an end…..11-5 versus Bama……14-5 if you include his playing days, to me that says it all to me.

  2. I lost my respect when Phil Fulmer had a chance to win a game a few seasons ago when we had a good quarterback, Erik Ainge to playing in a game and he put in Rick Clausen to play, and at half-time when Tennessee fell behind and Fulmer was asked why did he take Ainge out and Fulmer’s statement was “We’re going to play both quarterbacks”–well, we lost the game and that was the time I was sure Fulmer had gotten into the attitude “If we win O.K….if we lose O.K.”

  3. I live in Michigan and am a huge UT fan. The program was not going in the right direction but it is not nearly the train wreck in Ann Arbor. Fulmer accomplished what many hope thier programs could do and he lives with many achievements. I think a short list should include Brian Kelly at Cincinnati. He coached at a DII school near my house and won 3 titles in 4 years..went to Central Michigan and turned that program around in 2 years and is now making noise with the Bearcats. Brilliant offensive mind..runs the spread offense..won’t be long in Cincy..we should give him a good long look.

  4. Let’s feel a little sorry for Phil Fulmer. He was loyal to his school. By all accounts, he played by the rules. He was a hard-working, though not innovative, coach.
    But let’s not feel a lot sorry for him. He lasted nearly 17 season at Tennessee, longer than anyone not named Paterno or Bowden can expect nowadays. He basked in glory, won championships and got to coach Peyton Manning. And he walks away with a staggering $6 million.
    For that, Volunteer fans should be outraged that athletics director Mike Hamilton awarded Fulmer a long-term extension after last season when he knew the Big Orange Man was falling out of favor. Were I a booster, I would tell Hamilton to figure out how to pay off this bonanza without raising ticket prices the next several seasons. The deal was a terrible decision by the A.D., whose primary decisions involve the employment status of the head football coach.
    Farewell, Phil. You’ll be missed.

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