VolNation FREE NCAA Football 2010 Contest

It’s that time again — time for the much anticipated annual release of EA Sports NCAA Football 2010. As we did last year, VolNation.com will be giving away a free copy of the game on the platform of your choice (xbox360, ps3). The game will be shipped directly from Amazon.com to the winner immediately upon release for FREE, compliments of the best Vol Community on the internet (us). According to the Amazon website, the game could arrive as early as July 14th.

To enter the contest, post either of the following in the comment section of this post:

1. Tell us why you deserve to win this copy of NCAA Football 2010. Alternatively, you can also choose to tell us why you believe another member does NOT deserve to win.


2. Tell us about your most embarrassing memory as a Tennessee fan. Fans of other schools are also eligible — just be sure to identify your team.

I’m looking for creativity and entertainment value on these posts so put some thought into it. I’m a little flexible on the topic if your post is entertaining, but “one-liners” will be disqualified. The winner will be chosen at random from the group of best entries.

The deadline to enter is Saturday, July 11th at midnight. The winner will be announced no later than first thing Sunday morning so be sure to check back. We will need the pertinent information from the winner immediately so we that we can have the order placed with Amazon.com as soon as possible. While, we can’t guarantee the timeline for Amazon, it appears that the game will be shipped to arrive as early as Tuesday.

IMPORTANT RULES: Your username entered in this comment should match your VolNation username. Otherwise, you must clearly identify your VolNation name in your post. If you don’t have a VolNation account, register today, it’s easy and it’s free. One entry per person (and ip address). Please only post once. Multiple posts by the same poster will be subject to instant disqualification. Should you have questions us the Contact Us Form.

If you aren’t familiar with this years game and all the great new features be sure to check out our Official NCAA Football 2010 thread.

Good luck!

23 responses to “VolNation FREE NCAA Football 2010 Contest”

  1. when i was in college, we had this party, and not surprisingly our EA Sports NCAA Football 2005 was stolen. There were a couple of guys that somebody we knew brought that we didn’t know. Upon finding our game missing around 3:30 a.m. that night, my friend/roommate, who just purchased the game a week before, went nuts.

    We knew that one of those two guys took our game, so we called up the person who brought them and found out where they lived and got their number. My friend/roommate left the most vile, explicit laced voice mail I have ever heard. Because it was late, and we were extremely inebriated, our neighbors, who are girls came over to see what was wrong. Of course, the girls thought we were over reacting, but they’re girls, they don’t know any better.

    After leaving the voicemail, three of us hoped in the car and drove a couple of blocks away to Jefferson Grand where this dude lived. My friend/roommate beat on this guys door for thirty minutes, to no avail. We ended up going home pissed and empty handed.

    The next day, we got a call from the guy who took our game. He insisted, however, that he did not take our game, but would be willing to buy us a new one to make things better (my friend is about 5’10”, has a napoleon complex and is mean as hell). Needless to say, in about a week we received our brand new NCAA Football 2005 in the mail paid for by a guy who stole our game, insisted he didn’t, but bought us a new one anyway.

  2. Well Freak, I believe that I deserve to win the new NCAA ’10 for many reasons. It started many ions ago. I was born to a working class family in Transyvolnia. They did well but we didnt have much to go around those days. My first toy was a stick and I would poke frogs and spiders with it. As I grew older, my parents noticed certain things changing in me. I would sleep all day and stay up all night. In the village I grew up in, everyone wore these hideous A’s on their clothing and hats. They were in an awful color that most described as “crimson”. I hated it!! I always had a love for orange. The other villager did not see it my way and made threats to me and my family. To escape the criticism, we fled to the mountains and built a castle which would protect us from the hoard. But it was not enough!! They continued to pursue my family, so I had several impaled on spikes to warn the others not to force their “crimson A” on me or my family. Soon, they caught up with me, and I was murdered. However, before I was executed, I swore that I would return and bring vengeance upon any that wore the “crimson A”. As I had promised, death made me stronger and more powerful. I would sweep down at night, sucking the crimson blood from the villagers, forcing them to become a lover of the orange. I was hunted and hunted, but was never caught. That was until the most fiendish crimson lover of all, TNcrimsonman, came along. You may also know him as Van Helsing. He hunted me and hunted me until he drove me to recluse. But he did not kill me!! I have found a new home. A home where I no longer have to fear the “crimson A”. I am free to share my fellings with other lovers of the orange, or as we like to call ourselves, Volunteers!! This, The Volnation, is my home now!!

    P.S. I would really, really like it cause my wife wont let me have it cause she says I need to grow up and stuff.

  3. I would have to say that my most humorous/embarrasssing moment as a vols fan came when we played LSU in the last SEC championship game. My father suprised me with two tickets to the game unexpectedly and said he would take me for my birthday which is in Dec. 4th. (on another side note, spent my 21st birthday at the SEC championship when we played Auburn, I was stoked to be able to get hammered watching my vols play until i got in and realized that the dome doesn’t sell beer at the SEC championship) Now, I am the first and only person in my family that went to UT, my father went to Georgetown amd most of my other family went to UGA. (I was born and raised in Georgia) So my dad accompanied me just to hang out and not because he’s a die hard vols fan like myself. So were at the game and my dad starts getting into it, seems like he’s trying to impress me a little bit but before you know it he turns into a rabid fan. If you recall this was the game that Ainge threw two picks -1 for a TD- that eventually sealed our fate. My dad starts to notice that Ainge would throw the ball away anytime he felt an ounce of pressure. So my father -after a few bad calls by the ref and in serious need of a rabies shot- starts screaming profanities at the refs and starts yelling at Ainge calling him a pu$$y. We had pretty good seats on the field level and my dad takes it upon himself to walk down to the bottom railing and continue on with his rants. I actually had to pull him back to our seats.

    If you knew my dad you would know he is very laid back and this was completely uncharicteristic of him. Just goes to show what orange fever can do to you even if your not a die hard UT fan like most of us on this board. When I got back to Knox and told my friends about it they thought it was hilarious, but it was embarrasing that my dad saw our QB as a female organ, and that he felt so inclined to let our whole side of the stadium know just how he felt.

  4. I believe I most deserve the NCAA Football 2010 video game because I have been a dedicated NCAA Football gamer since 2003 as well as being a dedicated member to Volnation for almost three years. I have helped Volnation tremendously since joining by helping rid Volnation of NEWCOACH as well as other “super posters” who had nothing to say. No other member has been as dedicated to this site and this game as I have.

    P.S. If you do not pick me I will keep owning you in Gears of War.

    P.P.S. As long as OWB doesn’t win I will be happy. 🙂

  5. Reasons why sjernigan88 deserves a free copy of NCAA 2010.

    #1) I made my wife go to a UT game on our wedding day (10,1,2005…Ole Miss we won but it was sloppy)

    #2) On our PS3 Dynasty, I won zero user vs user games last year. (thanks oneandonly and vol0427)

    #3)I got fired from my job in 1999, I called in at which point they said I had no days left but I stayed home and watched the National Championship anyways.

    #4) At the 2004 GA game ( I think it was 2004, the one we got blown out) I got drunk and could not find the car or my buddies, I apparently challenged a frat to a chugging contest after the game and won a cowboy hat off one of them, I called every one back home, 4 hours away, to see if they remembered where I parked the car and they didn’t, put my friends found me and I passed out on the way back to an apartment and woke up with all of the windows down and it was about 35 or 40 degrees. Woke up at 6:30 and drove to a Titans game in Nashville for a 12 kick off.

    5)I am a realtor, the housing market sucks, I have an infant and a 10 year old I really need the game but $60 for real in this market.Help please!!!

    6)I have never had sex with any of the Mods daughters or wifes, I am pretty sure. Well, ok it could of happened back in the day…scratch this one.

    7)I own orange underwear, car, clothes, dog house, rug, and just about anything else you can come up with.

    8)Peyton Manning wants me to have it (seems to take the lead in every other thread)

    9) If you give it to me Jesse Scroggings will be a Vol…..I have a source.

    and the tenth reason I need a free copy of NCAA 2010 is Obama said it is part of the bailout money and will help the economy

    (BTW only #1-#7 is true, the other statements on here have not been evaluated by the EPA,FDA, NCAA,NAACP,KKK,CIA,FBI,Obama, National stripper association………..ect……results will vary.

  6. I am the stereotypical Ole Miss fan who wears a bowtie, red pants, and a navy blazer with monogrammed buttons to every game. I journeyed up to Knoxville to see the Vols play the Rebels in 2005, and I had a grand time. I traveled to the game with a friend of mine, who is also a sharp dresser. We were sitting way up among the good salt-of-the-earth type folk, and as members of the southern plantocracy we really stuck out like a sore thumb.

    Well, it was really hot that day and we were going through our Jack and Coke at a pretty good clip since the Vols were beating us pretty bad. Some time in the 2nd quarter, my buddy left to get us some more Cokes, whereupon a UT fan sitting behind me bellowed, “WHERE’D YOUR BOYFRIEND GO?” That got quite a laugh from everyone in the section, and at my expense. I still had a good time though.

  7. I believe that I, EricFreakingBerry, deserve to take home a copy of NCAA Football 2010 because of my children.

    That’s right, the epic “blame it on your kids” excuse is indeed not above me. I am the proud (so very proud) father of 11 month old twins, one being a boy and one being a girl. As I recount this story feel free to delve into the memories of your own childhood at your leisure.

    It started on a Wednesday.

    No, maybe it was Thursday. Either way, it was the middle of the week and it really doesn’t matter. I was playing the last football game that I had in my next-gen collection, NCAA Football 2008 for the 360. My amazing and adorable children were 7 months old at the time, just then beginning to crawl effectively and causing me to get steamrolled when glancing their way, forgetting that the QB I was using was one slow chubby dude and the pocket collapsed all around me.

    Well this was also a month before I purchased a brand new entertainment center for my living room. The center I was utilizing was very open (a.k.a. dangerous for children and Dad’s electronics both!). My son Jacob decided to crawl over to the center as I was beginning to shred the North Texas defense with slant pattern after slant pattern. It was a thing of beauty, and I was up 21-3.

    Then, my son goes from having difficulty crawling just a few days prior to that to being able to pull himself up to his knees, beginning to fiddle with the front of the X-Box 360. Before I can even curse the name of Tebow, the game was ejected from the drive. Then he proceeds to pull the disk out of the drive and lay it on the floor at the precise moment that I’m rushing over to the TV stand (in protection of my son of course!)

    Of course I take one step too many and snap…….the game gets split in half like a John Chavis defense on 3rd and 23.

    So come on, as if my daycare bill being more than mortgage is bad enough, I lost my NCAA 2008 in the blink of an eye. And I was pounding North Texas! Damn you North Texas, when I get 2010 I’m going to create Mike Rozier and beat them up with no mercy.

  8. My most embarrassing moment as a Vol fan (losing to Wyoming is pretty bad but this is on a more personal level) came in the Fall of 2007. It was opening week and my family decided to make the trek out to San Francisco for the Tennessee/California rematch.

    Of course – as a current UT student and overall Volmaniac I was living the high life and my confidence was soaring through the roof. I mean we crushed this team 35-18 and led basically 35-0 near the beginning of the 3rd quarter in 2006.. why wouldn’t I be confident. Every UT fan we encountered in the Bay area was also in high spirits as we proudly showed off our Orange. San Francisco had been invaded by rednecks.

    Now to the game – the anticipation built and built for the big game and everyone’s spirits were even more pumped after watching Appy State knocked off Michigan in the big house. We all walked into the stadium (greeted by quite a few tree huggers that seems to admire our fan base along the way) and the Tennessee section was already pumped and ready to go waaay before kickoff. Our seats were in the general admission section (by the UT section though) so we were intertwined with quite a few Bear fans as well. The first thing I noticed were the wooden bleachers (which were rotting in some places) and the grass growing up from the concrete at my feet – but I had a lot more room than at Neyland.

    I am not normally obnoxious, but something was different this game. I was loud, proud, and probably very annoying. We had a few bumps to start the game (Ainge fumbled returned for a TD at start and Jackson punt return) but I still remained in fairly high spirits since our offense was having its way with their defense as well.

    The embarrassing moment was at halftime. I began to get worried – so worried than I literally began to get sick. I quickly went to the concession stands to try to buy some water in the longest line you’d ever seen. But, THEY’RE OUT OF BOTTLED WATER! What??? Anyway, goto the bathroom just to make sure I’m alright. I sit on the crappiest toilet in the crappiest stadium in America for a few minutes and nothing happens. I felt fine. Although, some Cal fan who is obviously quite intoxicated begins to mock Rocky Top in his best redneck voice as he enters the bathroom. Apparently there was more than a few UT fans displeased with his actions as I hear “Tree huggers!” being yelled out from the stall next to me and it appeared that a fairly large dude sporting the orange makes sure to ‘rub’ shoulders with him as I pear out the crack of the stall door (which was about to collapse).

    I eventually go back to my seat as the 3rd quarter is about to start and the high school charades and cheers from the student section are ending (Mesean Jackson 4 heisman written on cards they flipped). I’m pretty much right in the middle (between the field goal posts) near the bottom so I’m fairly visible. As the 3rd quarter wears on and as we get into the 4th – I can tell we’re going to lose and I began to get more sick. I haven’t spoken a word hardly this half – and of course the Cal fans surrounding me are bugging me about that at this point. Then BAM – it hits me probably around the same time Jahvid Best broke another on of our defenders tackles – I just barf uncontrollably on to the cracked concrete and sparatic green grass at my feet. I was stunned – nothing like this had happened to me before – and especially not in these circumstances.

    At first – there was concern (and disgust) from people around me until they learned I was fine. I literally made myself sick and threw up from watching the game and being afraid of eating crow. The game was basically over and the Tennessee fans began to file out of the stadium single file. We decided to follow suit. It was one a long walk to the concourse since I was now being heckled for not only losing – but blowing chunks in public. After we boarded the BART to head back to the hotel two Cal fans actually approached me and asked me if I was the guy who got sick in the GA section. Atleast they were a lot more gracious about it since it was up close on personal and just laughed it off.

    PS: sorry for the book length story but I had to set it up.
    PPS: I deserve this game because I am a poor UT student trying to pay rent on an apartment with a part time job!

  9. I’m easily VN’s poorest member and guru. Hook a brother up. Also, I’m saving you valuable time by not writing you a full length novel in this comment.

  10. I have owned every copy since 2000 and am a die hard NCAA fan. The only reason I end up playing Madden is to import my draft classes. I need this because I need to keep the streak of owning every copy going. I may not be able to as I am laid off from work and might not be able to get a copy. I have already faced the fact that I won’t be sitting in Neland stadium this year and I at least need NCAA 10 fill in the void.

  11. As a resident troll and poster, I think I deserve it as my kids now rule my 360 with COD and games like that, slowly diminishing my love of EA Sports games. I will donate my first dynasty to play as your beloved Vols and will give weekly updates and try to not sabotage their season. My most embarassing moment was celebrating too early in the 2004 game when Dallas Baker cost us the game by his smart retaliation and literally cussing him out after Wilhoit kicked the 50 yarder to win it. Great game but I was on the losing end. 🙁

  12. I deserve the copy of ncaa football 2010 because I have always been a steadfast vol fan. Since I was five I dressed up in all orange for multiple halloweens, with my UT flag as a cape. I am from Memphis and my whole family is a bunch of Tiger fans, so they were upset and confused by my behavior. I also am so incredibly pumped with all that Kiffin is doing here. I am now a senior at UTK and have been praying for the changes needed to bring UT into the new age of college football and recruiting. I am such a fan of CLK that at one of the 6 A.M. workouts I snuck into the practice facility, up into the coaches’ offices, got into an argument with coach Chaney who stopped me, who I eventually convinced letting me talk to the Lane Train. I then got CLK’s autograph, a picture with, taken by Chaney, a firm handshake and a congratulations for sneaking past everyone in the practice facility. I would love to win the copy of NCAA 2010 and tell my story in detail. It is very entertaining. I have also played NCAA football since 2001.

  13. The reason I deserve to win the new NCAA ’10 game for my 360 is because I didn’t win last year. 🙂 No seriously, I deserve to win because I am willing to swallow my pride and suck up. Volnation, oh yes, the best forum on the internet, period! Not just Vol site, but the best period! Do I really believe that? Absolutely! That is why I spend more time on it at work than I do actually working. That is why I sit up late at night posting and reading post, instead of sleeping. That would be the only downside, it’s addictive. And the creator, Vol_freak, the Grand Poobah, now that guy is awesome! Smart too. And the Mods, they just don’t get any better than those guys. Top notch! So, this is why I deserve to win. I believe in Volnation, and I believe in you guys. Please consider me when giving away the game. I’m your #1 fan! Now, I guess I will find out on the 11th whether all the sucking up worked or not. 🙂

  14. The reason I would like a copy of the game is that I have four children and that game is the one thing I buy for myself every year. Plus it gives me the chance to beat the creap out of my 10 year old boy on his playstation. My most embarrassing moment is before I got married my best friend and myself had season tickets and we used to like the place kiker Robert Loudermilk and when he used to come onto the field we would be the only ones vocal at that time would yell really loud “LOUDERMILK”. There was this guy and his wife that had season tickets that set in front of us and I dont really know why he came to the games because he never did anything but bitch and sit there like a log. But anyway my buddy and myself yelled “LOUDERMILK” and he turned around and said “Loudermilk is hurt he is not kicking today” and my buddy said “I know whos kicking the D@*n ball” and I said “yeah” and about that time the announcer came over the intercom and said “Leaverton to kick the ball” and we were speech less for once.

  15. i deserve the game because im unemployed for the foreseeable future and wont be able to attend any Vol games this year, plus im stuck living in enemy territory and wont even get to to go to the UT-UK game and its only 15 minutes from my house……Living in a shyte hole like Lexington should be reason enough that i should win. X Box 360 style.

  16. Dearest Poobah,

    By supplying me with a free copy of NCAA Football 2010, you are striking what may be a deciding blow into the future well being of the Alabama football program. Intrigued? Allow me to explain.

    In the most active most widely participated dynasty on the forum, Duckman’s dynasty, I have received the position of Alabama. I have contemplated not purchasing the game for a variety of (economic) reasons, which would only serve to benefit Alabama. By supplying me with a copy a “butterfly effect” type sequence of events may be set off that will swing the football fortunes back into Tennessee’s favor, turning the clock back fifteen years in the rivalry.

    As anyone in the current NCAA football dynasty will tell you, I am abysmal. I suck. Hard, and frequently. By ensuring I participate in next year’s dynasty as Alabama, you are ensuring years of endless losses to Tennessee, as well as others. In fact, it’s likely under my control, in this virtual world Alabama would NEVER beat Tennessee. This bad mojo in the video game world of one dynasty would reach the collective consciousness of all internet travelers who stumbled across this board. In time, society itself will continue to question the true strength of the Alabama program by the utter ownage being unleashed in the dynasty and described in agonizing detail in this forum’s dynasty thread– which is a very, very active and well read thread. Yes, you sir could play a role in the utter doom of Alabama in this virtual league, with the ripples slowly hampering the real life counterpart through collective consciousness.

    Also, I am a young but short, balding, unemployed permanent student afflicted with chronic halitosis, a disturbing case of scoliosis and a raging case the gum disease, GINGIVITIS.

    Plus, I have a small johnson.

    My most embarrassing story is when I was accidentally punched in the face by a celebrating fellow UT fan at the Georgia game in 2005 (ultimately a loss.) I had been suffering with some bathroom issues for the last few days. My “kids” desperately wanted to escape the late fall heat and be dropped off at the pool, if you know what I mean, but something was terribly wrong with the car door. They couldn’t quite squeeze through the window, as they were particularly fat kids. So when when this guy pops me in the face, my “kids” did a cannon ball right into, and almost through my trousers as fell to the bleachers. There was no escape from the horror, scorn, and some more horror of my Neyland neighbors as my large intestine unleashed unholy hell over me and on my neighbor’s noses and ears (perhaps their eyes too. But at least the kids were finally happy. So ya, I shat myself at the game. Big deal. I find it gets you through those long lines at the bathroom in no time, when you are shaking and rolling out the offending movements.

  17. Dear sir,
    I am writing to you in the kindest regards to you and your family. I Hasan have possessed an Uncle Raul. I have discussed in detail with relatives of mine and also of Uncle Rauls that he has went to be dead. I have become sad by these. However Uncle Raul left upon me millions in a foreign bank account that I am not possible to retrieve. I have noticed from you that the last name of you is Uncle Raul’s, Poobah. So Mr. Poobah I propose to you an offer. In exchange for the millions of dollar amounts I ask that you provide to me a game of NCAA Football 2010. I, Hasan, would also likely to be happy to provide you with my hairiest sister to add to the millions for in exchange for the game. Also for safe keeping of your most secrets, you need to give me your Social Security Number, account number from your account at a bank, and your name that your dads gave you. I feel as though if you could type down the other above information that I could also provide to you a crippled camel. I pleasingly hope that you will think to possibly accept this deal. Upon the delivery of the game to my location of living, I will in an honest and legal way to you give the money.

    Thank you and regards

    Hasan Amdulaq

  18. My most embarassing UT moment is 1995 Tennessee vs Florida. This is always an important game for me because my birthday is September 18th so the teams usually meet on or around my birthday. On this particular year it was my 18th birthday. Many family and friends showered me with UT gifts including a nice UT jumpsuit that my mother got. So of course I had to wear that jumpsuit all around Nashville on that special Saturday in 1995. I was excited because the Peyton Manning was our new star and looked pretty good in the beginning of the season. I was at my birthday party gathering at a pizza shop complete with a large projector TV (high tech at that time). So my Vols were up by a decent margin heading towards halftime. Then the infamous rain hit and it was all over. On what should have been a happy day in my life, I became more depressed with every TD UF scored and we didn’t answer. The whole time I kept thinking how can this possible happen? Come on Phil & Chavis do something. At the end we were clobbered 62-37. The worst birthday of my life hands down.

  19. I’m actually surprised more people haven’t wrote about their most embarrassing moment, much less since an obvious one happened this season.

    It seems that losing to WYOMING of all teams should be the lowlight of almost any team in the country. In general, it was just terrible. Neither team had any offense and the defense wasn’t much better despite the low score, but it gets worse.

    Several of my friends all decided to go to the game since tickets would be cheap and we assumed it would be an easy win. We happened to end up sitting right in the tiny crowd of Wyoming fans, the brown spot in our great stadium. For over an hour before the game, we continuously made fun of their program, their New Balance uniforms, and anything else you can think of.

    However, that didn’t last long. Nick Stephens pretty much single handedly blew the game for us in the first half. The Wyoming fans started to give it right back to us throughout the game.

    Honestly, is their anything more embarrassing than having Wyoming fans talk crap to you and have no way to reply?

  20. I need NCAA football ’10 because I’m stuck in GA and it’s the only way I’m guaranteed to hear ‘touchdown Volunteers’ every week, followed by Rocky Top. I’m so tired of hearing glory glory to ol Georgia.
    I also use it in retribution. Like after last years loss to the Gators, nothing like using the hit stick against Tebow and Harvin.