Guitar Shots to the Head: Who’s Your Daddy?

guitarshotsThere has been a lot made of the Tennessee defeat last Saturday. It was a quite a change visiting UT forums and finding an upbeat fan base after a loss. No one seemed to be on suicide watch, I didn’t read any “I broke my remote” stories, and I didn’t read “they quit” in any of the posts. I could tell by viewing that UT fans were smiling while they were typing. Why was everybody so upbeat?

Tennessee fans had several reasons to be giddy after that game, and I can’t speak for the fans, but I can tell you why I was so happy.

I will never have to watch Timmy run all over my beloved Vols….ever again. Watching him make third down conversions over the years has been an ice pick to my eyeballs. Frankly, I’ve grown weary of the experience. UT fans have waited for one of our players to get pad level on Timmy and knock him out. Turns out, such a feat is easier said than done. The Vols never got him, but it looks like his eligibility finally will.

That is not to say that we didn’t pressure Tebow. For all of Meyer’s excuses after the game, few people are talking about the real reasons that Urbie didn’t open up his game plan a little more. It is because he couldn’t. Every time Tebow tried to settle in the pocket, he had a defensive end pulling him to the ground before he could find a receiver. It wasn’t because Tennessee was bringing the kitchen sink either. They actually got enough pressure from their front four, and covered receivers well enough to get sacks from their defensive line.

So who’s your daddy? Lane’s is Monte Kiffin. The elder Kiffin led defense held Florida to half their averages across the board.

I smiled when I realized that as long as Monte is the defensive coordinator Tennessee will not be out schemed. I knew it already, but it is very nice to see.

While handing out my game balls, it would be unfair to dismiss the offensive contributions as well. On Saturday, in the Swamp with the Vol’s quarterback and offensive line issues, every first down was a victory for the Vols. With each run and swing pass I could feel the air being sucked out of Ben Hill Griffin Stadium right there from my recliner. So my smile got bigger every time they moved the sticks.

Don’t get me wrong, like most of you, I’d rather leave the moral victories to Vanderbilt. Actually, I take that back. I’d prefer that the word victory and Vanderbilt not appear in the same sentence. I’ll leave the moral victories to the South Carolina fans. That is really all they have in their trophy case.

UT didn’t win on the field last Saturday. However, they have 21 commitments for next year’s football team. The remaining spots seem to be highly coveted. Players around the country are actually lining up to play for the Vols again.

Best of all, thinking about Florida fans burning those vengeful t-shirts behind the stadium is a very happy thought. Urban Meyer and Florida fans learned a valuable lesson. Monte Kiffin is Lane’s daddy. It is best if you leave Lane’s discipline to him. You simply don’t have the resources to get the job done. Hence, you will not wipe the smile off of my face.

Who’s your daddy?

Go Vols!

3 responses to “Guitar Shots to the Head: Who’s Your Daddy?”

  1. Best account of the game I have read yet. Nicely done, good wrap up. Maybe you can explain to me how a top-notch (formerly anyway) program like Tennessee can have no quarterbacks in the stable who are not better than JC. Seems like a nice kid, seems to want to succeed badly, but just is not a UT quaterback. How the former coaching staff did not see this earlier and have this position taken care is a monstrous oversight. How many kids play HS quarterback across the country… and we don’t have anyone on this team that can drop back without making the Orange Nation hold it’s collective breath??? Reminds me of a few years back when Clausen (the real one) went down for the Georgia game and we had no one waiting. We ended up using James Banks and, worse yet, ended up losing Chris Leak in the process. Ala Jimmy Clausen. Want to daydream how different this team would look if little Jimmy had come home? We would be talking NC.