UPDATE: Due to recent quotes from Lane Kiffin, the Top 10 has been expanded to the Top 12.  Nov. 24

CLK001Lane Kiffin has captured the attention of the media, fans, opposing coaches, rappers, and even the great and powerful Oz, otherwise known as the little man behind the curtain pulling levers, Mike Slive. He has a polarizing effect on people and he seems to like it that way.

You’re either with him or you’re against him. He has done something that Tennessee fans have not been accustomed to, namely, drawn a LOT of attention. This attention has the Vols vying for top recruits all over the country. Along the way this season, he’s also has been good for a couple of sound bites.


Here are the Top Ten Kiffin Quotes of the Season (So Far). What’s your number one?

01) “I can’t hear you; Rocky Top is playing” spoken to Erin Andrews after the Florida game. This quote is number one by popular demand from Vol Nation and rightfully so.  Lane’s subtle reminder to gator fans, the SEC, and a national audience that the energy is back, the talent is coming, and Tennessee couldn’t care less who you think you are.

02) ‘Great call on the pass interference. That was definitely pass interference. Commissioner Slive, I appreciate that call.’

Continuing with his praise on the Lane Kiffin Show, Lane stated, The ball is intercepted. I thought that was a great call by the ref throwing the pass interference there. I’m sure that we were at fault. Lane was referring to a pass interference call on a play in which Tennessee intercepted the ball.

While many Vol fans felt it was a bad call, Lane was quick to dispel the notion. Proving once again, he’s got Mike Slive’s back.

03) “We’ll be recruiting from tomorrow for the whole week. We’ll have our maximum guys out. We’ll be everywhere and we’re going to find the best players in the country.” The bye week following a 45-19 thumping of the Georgia Bulldogs.

Kiffin pointed to the Georgia game as crucial for recruiting. The state of Georgia leads the conference in number of recruits committed to SEC schools. Love the energy and attitude.

04). “I’m blown away by all the hate” commenting on fan (particularly on the call in show) outcry to remove Jonathan Crompton for his sub par playing earlier this season.

Kiffin responded by building JC’s confidence paving the way for: a respectable passer rating, a likely invite to the NFL combine, and leading the SEC in touchdowns thrown.

05) “I wasn’t going to let the refs lose the game for us there and some magical flag appear” Talking about why he didn’t attempt to move the ball closer before attempting the winning FG against Alabama.

I remember being at Legion field in 1979. First offensive play of the game for Tennessee a beautiful play action pass down the middle for a touchdown. Whoops, a holding flag. Just sayin.

06) “I’m sure I will get one of those letters that doesn’t mean anything” He later explained that he was referring the SEC review letter he would be getting from Roger Redding. Not the letter of reprimand.

He got reprimanded and Urban later got fined 30K. In the ‘Survival of the Fittest’ word game (Rival edition), it’s Lane by like +5?

07) “I guess we’ll wait and after we’re not excited about a performance, we’ll tell you everybody was sick.” A frustrated Meyer suggested his Gators inability to deliver a resounding win was due to the flu.His after the fact comments sounded like an excuse and Lane knew it and chimed in.

08) “But Florida and Alabama live on” Other school fans view this comment as ‘sour grapes’. But was he lying?

09) “No, we lost a game,” “Maybe I’ll come back here for basketball ad sing it for (coach) Bruce (Pearl).” Lane was unable to sing Rocky Top this year at the swamp. But he was not deterred when ask about it. Suggesting he might come back with the basketball Vols who have beat Florida 7 out of the last 8 times.

10) “We don’t suspend them for half a game.” Regarding the handling of a current issue and Urban Meyer’s dropping the hammer on Brandon Spikes. Spikes you will recall attempted to gouge the eyes out of a Georgia running back.

11) “We should have won by a couple of touchdowns” Haters love this one. Referring to the UCLA loss. The Bruins fumbled six times lost one. Looking back with two months of season done, I totally agree Coach.

12) “We made it 11 months and 11 days without any incidents” Perhaps a faux pas, perhaps not. Next time maybe ‘well, that was a nice run of over eleven months.’ or ‘and we were just closing in on a year to.’ would be better. What we have here . . . is a failure to generalize.

10 responses to “TOP 10 KIFFIN QUOTES OF THE SEASON”

  1. umm this is missing the best quote of them all, “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you, Rocky Top is playing” to erin andrews after the florida game.

    • My favorite of them all. Made me smile after the game, when I sure didn’t feel like smiling.

      I was Smokey on the sidelines in 1979 when the holding call came out of nowhere after UT’s TD. I’m just saying… I agree.

      • Were you really smokey back in the late 70’s? If so I would really like to talk to you, please write back.

    • i love that quote…..i am travis from johnson city that complimented him on that same quote during the vol calls on the radio the monday after the fla game

  2. Agreed with Gaia, After the Florida loss was a great line to Erin Andrews. But how can this not be there, it summarizes everything.
    “There’s nobody outside the Tennessee family, and there’s nobody outside this group of players that will ever help us win a football game. So we really don’t care if we offend some people on the way to getting there.” – Lane Kiffin

  3. I love on the Lane Kiffin show when they pulled Bryce Brown out of the game for running out of bounds, Kiffin said “thats not the way we run the ball here in Tennessee, when we run down the sidelines we punish people”. When I heard that all I could think was HELL YEAH he just said that.

  4. Too bad you wrote this before his shout-out to Mike Slive when talking about the pass interference call last night!

  5. I agree about the latest Slive shout out. Something like… CLK was asked what he thought about the PA late in the fourth quarter when Vandy was trying to score. He said, “It was a great call. Really really good call by the refs there. A big Thank You to Mr. Slive for out Refs during the game.” I spit RC all over my dash board!

  6. ..]other must read source on this topicis ,,..]