George Floyd Protest/Riots

But Antifa doesn't exist right libs?

I love that it’s the same clowns that are always on the white guilt train and constantly blaming the smallest things of consequence on “white privilege” and yet here they are looting, destroying property and expect the black protesters take the fall for it. If that doesn’t scream white privilege I don’t know what does. What a bunch of hypocritical bitches.
Peaceful protests are ridiculed and summarily dismissed.

Perhaps you could make the argument that looting and rioting aren't more effective in attention getting against a system that values property over human life?

I think it would have been a better statement to burn down and loot government buildings instead of private businesses. A private citizen didn’t murder George Floyd, but a government thug did. Hell go burn down a couple of police stations instead of small businesses whose owners had nothing to do with it.

It was very tragic situation but why punish innocent people in your community?

I am not calling for anyone to burn down or loot government buildings. I’m just wondering why these people are destroying innocent people’s property instead of the actual culprits.
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Yet aren’t tired of their people being lawless. Being a police officer in large part involves dealing with scum of the earth on a daily basis. Has nothing to with race and if it looks like it does then just maybe there’s another issue that’s not being addressed. Cops deal with criminals, sometimes violent ones. Not every criminal throws their hands up when they’re caught breaking the law and goes peacefully. There’s a reason law enforcement officers carry guns and other weapons to subdue criminals. When they cross the line they should be dealt with but let’s not pretend there’s not a level of violence needed to perform their duties. If Floyd had run at them with a knife and he was shot the result would be the same.

Have you ever dealt with a law enforcement officer?

99.9% are assholes. It doesn’t matter if they are dealing with a criminal or a law abiding citizen their first instinct is to harass and then look for a way to tax.

Last interaction with with law enforcement:

My uncle passed away at his home last Sunday. My aunt calls me and I rush over there. When I arrive a thug police officer who is 5”5 with his chest stuck is questioning her about my uncles medication and if he had pain meds. He goes on about they will find out and if he is they will do a count and if any are missing an investigation will be launched. My aunt was in shock as her brother had just died and here is this idiot questioning her and giving her the third degree. I just told the idiot that he was not on pain medication and if he had any more questions to speak to our attorney. He got pissed so I told him that he was dismissed and could leave.My aunt has never had a speeding ticket and isn’t a criminal but for some reason this thug cop was harassing her.
Apparently some more “protests” are planned for tonight in Chattanooga. My wife’s employer is preparing to fortify their buildings in the event they are targeted. Not as if you have a reason to go downtown right now but you may want to avoid it after dark.
Apparently some more “protests” are planned for tonight in Chattanooga. My wife’s employer is preparing to fortify their buildings in the event they are targeted. Not as if you have a reason to go downtown right now but you may want to avoid it after dark.

I wouldnt be in any downtown without a handgun on me. Legal or not.
I think it would have been a better statement to burn down and loot government buildings instead of private businesses. A private citizen didn’t murder George Floyd, but a government thug did. Hell go burn down a couple of police stations instead of small businesses whose owners had nothing to do with it.

It was very tragic situation but why punish innocent people in your community?

I am not calling for anyone to burn down or loot government buildings. I’m just wondering why these people are destroying innocent people’s property instead of the actual culprits.
Who pays to repair government buildings? Where does that money come from?
Apparently some more “protests” are planned for tonight in Chattanooga. My wife’s employer is preparing to fortify their buildings in the event they are targeted. Not as if you have a reason to go downtown right now but you may want to avoid it after dark.
So I saw on FB earlier that a riot, not protest a riot, was supposedly setup for Sherman TX this evening. And pallets of bricks were actually staged in the area. What appeared to be a local LEO responded and confirmed it. That might be worth popping some popcorn and watching I think these idiots would be met with a violent swift response in a smaller town like Sherman or Denison.
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So I saw on FB earlier that a riot, not protest a riot, was supposedly setup for Sherman TX this evening. And pallets of bricks were actually staged in the area. What appeared to be a local LEO responded and confirmed it. That might be worth popping some popcorn and watching I think these idiots would be met with a violent swift response in a smaller town like Sherman or Denison.

Small towns in North Texas shouldn't be messed with. These small towns are mostly those NOT from this current generation and will take care of issues whether LEO's are there or not. I have no pity for those so called "protestors" if this ends up actually happening.
Small towns in North Texas shouldn't be messed with. These small towns are mostly those NOT from this current generation and will take care of issues whether LEO's are there or not. I have no pity for those so called "protestors" if this ends up actually happening.
Hell its only an hour up the road. I’ll bet the LEOs get thirsty in their tactical gear and could use some ice water hand outs. Hmmmmm 😏
Apparently some more “protests” are planned for tonight in Chattanooga. My wife’s employer is preparing to fortify their buildings in the event they are targeted. Not as if you have a reason to go downtown right now but you may want to avoid it after dark.

It’s been peaceful in Memphis, but it’s been floating around town today that the same group that terrorized Atlanta and Nashville has targeted Memphis for tonight.

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