talked with someone very high up in UT AD office

said Pruitt went ballistic on everyone after the Georgia game, players, other coaches, staff etc
Bottom fell out after needless to say. Nobody liked him in short & all afraid of him.

Tfwiw but its true
I can believe this. Clearly, something happened after halftime in that game. We were 2-0 and leading Georgia and then the bottom fell out. It almost looked like some of our players and coaches quit after that game and I kinda thought some of them may have been trying to get Pruitt fired.
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This reminds me of what my graduate school advisor told me about Johnny Majors. In 1992 after the South Carolina loss Majors chewed out the entire team in front of some big wigs in the AD department and boosters. From what I was told it was ugly, that on top of everything else was the last straw for Majors and he was fired.
I can believe this. Clearly, something happened after halftime in that game. We were 2-0 and leading Georgia and then the bottom fell out. It almost looked like some of our players and coaches quit after that game and I kinda thought some of them may have been trying to get Pruitt fired.

If I am remembering correctly the defense quit after three consecutive turnovers in three consecutive possessions, at that point the game was over.
I would have loved to see some of that emotion in public. I've been going ballistic over this program from the beginning of 2018.
I think Cutcliffe was Phil's A game, so when he left there was no A game remaining.
2004 was a hell of an A game coaching performance by Phil and the staff. That team had no business getting to Atlanta starting 2 True freshman Qb’s and Rick Clausen. Going 10-3 was outstanding, especially w/ 2 losses to undefeated Auburn.
Well it was all his fault the Georgia second half collapse happened. Pretty sure he was the reason Jg was in the game. The kid did what the kid also was does. He can’t fell pressure so he kept putting the ball on the ground.
he needed to show some emotion after the "S**t show" that was the second half of the GA game. Was it proper to go "ballistic" on everyone, no, but Pruitt was not ready to be a HC when we hired him and we deserve what we got.
Pruitt has been around and old enough to know what's proper and what isn't. Hell, Lane Kiffin was much younger when we hired him. If it weren't for the USC position coming open, he may still be our coach today.
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said Pruitt went ballistic on everyone after the Georgia game, players, other coaches, staff etc
Bottom fell out after needless to say. Nobody liked him in short & all afraid of him.

Tfwiw but its true
That wasn't the turning point of this, wait until that report comes out and sheds light on this
he needed to show some emotion after the "S**t show" that was the second half of the GA game. Was it proper to go "ballistic" on everyone, no, but Pruitt was not ready to be a HC when we hired him and we deserve what we got.
He wasn’t ready to be a High School coach much less at Tennessee. Maybe he can find a middle school in New York that will give him another HC job.
Our football coach got reply upset after the team laid a freaking egg in the second half and was embarrassed by one of our biggest rivals? That's terrible.
he should've been more compassionate about how they played like chit apparently
Have y’all noticed how FULMER gets a pass in all this. He was the AD and he watched the football program burn and did nothing. Cornbread is not the only one complicit in all this mess.
Fulmer is complicit in this mess going all the way back to 2008 or before. You cant set an expectation of excellence and start going 5-7 while expected to make a run at a Natty. That written, he should have never been fired in '08.
Have y’all noticed how FULMER gets a pass in all this. He was the AD and he watched the football program burn and did nothing. Cornbread is not the only one complicit in all this mess.

He gets more than a pass from the university. Dude is getting 35k a month. He should have been slammed and shown the door without pay. He also hired Steele and now we owe 900k for being interim for 2 weeks.

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