Dear Toxic Tennessee fans—go play in traffic and have a terrible Christmas—we are lucky in spite of you.

They didn't leave a WR running wide open for a TD to open the second half. Not saying that there weren't some crappy calls but our team crapped the bed. If you can't see that, I don't know what to tell ya.

Bama's QB would have never seen that wide open receiver if he'd been sacked, but wait, their right tackle had a choke hold on our edge rusher. If you didn't see that, hell, I don't know what to tell ya.
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But they did miss a chokehold on Tyler Baron on that very play…..
THAT DIDN'T GET THE RECIEVER WIDE OPEN! Yes, they missed that hold. I'm not arguing that. Baron was held all year. There are also screenshots out there of missed calls of our OL holding. We will never be able to control flags being thrown. We can control how we execute. Has to be better on both sides of the ball going forward..
Bama's QB would have never seen that wide open receiver if he'd been sacked, but wait, their right tackle had a choke hold on our edge rusher. If you didn't see that, hell, I don't know what to tell ya.
ahhh, always somebody else's fault. On that play, he was going to get that pass off anyways. WR was wiiddddeeee open. Cover better and it probably doesn't happen. If you are one that always wants to blame somebody else instead of addressing issues within control, I don't know what to tell ya.
ahhh, always somebody else's fault. On that play, he was going to get that pass off anyways. WR was wiiddddeeee open. Cover better and it probably doesn't happen. If you are one that always wants to blame somebody else instead of addressing issues within control, I don't know what to tell ya.

So, you know he was going to get the pass off anyways? LOL.
I’m a Tennessee alum. Came here in 06’ because I wanted to go to a school with a big sports program, and be proud of my Alma mater.

I was a student Fulmer’s last year. I grew up a Michigan fan and I saw how two different programs conduct themselves. Michigan is similar in that Lloyd Carr was fired, probably before he should have been. And Michigan endured a decade of incompetence to pay for their decision of getting rid of a coach that won them a NC in 1997.

Tennessee pulled the same stunt with Fulmer. And we’ve been an absolute joke in football since. Firing Fulmer was the biggest mistake any major program has ever made. We went from
Being a blue blood to being a door mat, and a joke. Anyone that was vocally anti Fulmer and put pressure on the AD to act is responsible for the decade plus of incompetence.

If Tennessee was in the same position as Michigan was with Harbaugh, say—with Peyton Manning—and say Manning lost his first 3 or 4 games against Bama—they would have tarnished Manning’s legacy and probably chased him off. Michigan did the logical thing, fought to keep their guy—and now Michigan has defeated Ohio State 3 times in a row and will probably win a national championship this year.

And now I’m seeing many of the same morons cut from the same cloth—putting that same toxicity at Coach Rick Barnes.

If you need to spew venom and criticism—why not target the right thing. Officiating.

Tennessee has endured insane officiating across every major sport, and it’s not a coincidence. I don’t know why the officials have chosen to screw our school and our athletics; but they have. And it’s not an opinion. It’s not in my head.

Look at the stats. Heres the stats from this past football season.View attachment 598859

Check out the free throw discrepancy in Tennessee basketball games. It’s absurd. How much do we put up with before enough is enough???

If you must be toxic—aim that toxicity at the officiating and demand an inquiry or change at an institutional level.

Holding our coaches—who we are lucky to have—to absurd standards while not acknowledging the unfair level of play is insane and stupid.

To our whiny, annoying, toxic, embarrassing fan base—May you have a terrible Christmas and please go become an Alabama fan and annoy and embarrass those clowns. Christmas is the perfect time for you to get your transition completed and become the brave Alabama or Florida fan you know you really are Deep inside of you. I’m tired of you making the university I actually graduated from—look bad.

Thank you Coach Barnes, Coach Heupel, and Coach Vitello for being the best 3 coaches a school has across the major sports.

Go Vols!

That is just dumb, negative and positive fans have zero impact on the product on the field or court. By your logic, Philadelphia would never win anything in any sport because their fans are notoriously aggressive and yet they have won a championship in every major sport. The Chicago Cubs have some of the most loyal fans in any sport and they have won exactly one championship in the last 100+ years
ahhh, always somebody else's fault. On that play, he was going to get that pass off anyways. WR was wiiddddeeee open. Cover better and it probably doesn't happen. If you are one that always wants to blame somebody else instead of addressing issues within control, I don't know what to tell ya.
No, he wouldn't have been able to make that throw. He might have scrambled away from Baron but wouldn't have made that throw
I’m a Tennessee alum. Came here in 06’ because I wanted to go to a school with a big sports program, and be proud of my Alma mater.

I was a student Fulmer’s last year. I grew up a Michigan fan and I saw how two different programs conduct themselves. Michigan is similar in that Lloyd Carr was fired, probably before he should have been. And Michigan endured a decade of incompetence to pay for their decision of getting rid of a coach that won them a NC in 1997.

Tennessee pulled the same stunt with Fulmer. And we’ve been an absolute joke in football since. Firing Fulmer was the biggest mistake any major program has ever made. We went from
Being a blue blood to being a door mat, and a joke. Anyone that was vocally anti Fulmer and put pressure on the AD to act is responsible for the decade plus of incompetence.

If Tennessee was in the same position as Michigan was with Harbaugh, say—with Peyton Manning—and say Manning lost his first 3 or 4 games against Bama—they would have tarnished Manning’s legacy and probably chased him off. Michigan did the logical thing, fought to keep their guy—and now Michigan has defeated Ohio State 3 times in a row and will probably win a national championship this year.

And now I’m seeing many of the same morons cut from the same cloth—putting that same toxicity at Coach Rick Barnes.

If you need to spew venom and criticism—why not target the right thing. Officiating.

Tennessee has endured insane officiating across every major sport, and it’s not a coincidence. I don’t know why the officials have chosen to screw our school and our athletics; but they have. And it’s not an opinion. It’s not in my head.

Look at the stats. Heres the stats from this past football season.View attachment 598859

Check out the free throw discrepancy in Tennessee basketball games. It’s absurd. How much do we put up with before enough is enough???

If you must be toxic—aim that toxicity at the officiating and demand an inquiry or change at an institutional level.

Holding our coaches—who we are lucky to have—to absurd standards while not acknowledging the unfair level of play is insane and stupid.

To our whiny, annoying, toxic, embarrassing fan base—May you have a terrible Christmas and please go become an Alabama fan and annoy and embarrass those clowns. Christmas is the perfect time for you to get your transition completed and become the brave Alabama or Florida fan you know you really are Deep inside of you. I’m tired of you making the university I actually graduated from—look bad.

Thank you Coach Barnes, Coach Heupel, and Coach Vitello for being the best 3 coaches a school has across the major sports.

Go Vols!
I get it but sometimes you’ve got to move to the next level. Take football for instance. We sucked for over a decade and would have been happy to just make a crappy bowl. We’ve made some crappy bowls so then we made some good bowls. Need to make an SECCG. Then maybe win an SECCG. Next step is the playoffs. I don’t expect a National Championship yet until we get a good taste of the playoffs. Once we do, the natural progression would be an NC.

Basketball pretty much had sucked for several years then we got an unexpected trip to the Sweet Sixteen with Cuonzo the Clown. I’m very thankful to have Barnes and it sure beats the previous past 30 years or so minus the Bruce Pearl years. We’ve had many Sweet Sixteens and I feel that Barnes has gotten us to the highest level that we’ve never been before on a consistent basis

But it’s time to move up to the next level. I’m ready for a Final Four and to compete for an NC. Barnes got us here and he’s now got our expectations up. It’s time for us to do better. I don’t think it’s too much to ask and I don’t think that people criticize the program for just kind of hanging around where it is are being unreasonable. I don’t think anybody does not appreciate where we are at and the state of the program under Barnes. But you play sports to win. And you should always be shooting for a championship. I understand it takes baby steps but we have went as far as we can go in this baby step. Time for the next step. Final Four and a NC! If some of you are satisfied then enjoy this baby step. I’m ready to win it all. That’s not unreasonable to expect and I can wish for anything I want.

Now you can go play in traffic in the middle of I75 on a Friday afternoon at 5:30 in West Knoxville if you’re so pathetic that you think you can tell the rest of us what we expect or wish for. If you like where we are at then enjoy it. I’m ready for more than this.
I get it but sometimes you’ve got to move to the next level. Take football for instance. We sucked for over a decade and would have been happy to just make a crappy bowl. We’ve made some crappy bowls so then we made some good bowls. Need to make an SECCG. Then maybe win an SECCG. Next step is the playoffs. I don’t expect a National Championship yet until we get a good taste of the playoffs. Once we do, the natural progression would be an NC.

Basketball pretty much had sucked for several years then we got an unexpected trip to the Sweet Sixteen with Cuonzo the Clown. I’m very thankful to have Barnes and it sure beats the previous past 30 years or so minus the Bruce Pearl years. We’ve had many Sweet Sixteens and I feel that Barnes has gotten us to the highest level that we’ve never been before on a consistent basis

But it’s time to move up to the next level. I’m ready for a Final Four and to compete for an NC. Barnes got us here and he’s now got our expectations up. It’s time for us to do better. I don’t think it’s too much to ask and I don’t think that people criticize the program for just kind of hanging around where it is are being unreasonable. I don’t think anybody does not appreciate where we are at and the state of the program under Barnes. But you play sports to win. And you should always be shooting for a championship. I understand it takes baby steps but we have went as far as we can go in this baby step. Time for the next step. Final Four and a NC! If some of you are satisfied then enjoy this baby step. I’m ready to win it all. That’s not unreasonable to expect and I can wish for anything I want.

Now you can go play in traffic in the middle of I75 on a Friday afternoon at 5:30 in West Knoxville if you’re so pathetic that you think you can tell the rest of us what we expect or wish for. If you like where we are at then enjoy it. I’m ready for more than this.
What coach gives us a better chance to go to the final four? You're trying pretty hard to sound like you understand, but you actually don't have a clue. Go ahead and give us a name. Barnes actually gives us the best chance.
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Only 5 programs have National Titles recently: Alabama, Clemson, Georgia, Ohio State, LSU. I guess if you go all the way back to 2012 you can add FSU and 2010 with Auburn. Still that is only 7 since 2010.

So using this criteria, I would also have to remove Michigan, Texas, USC, Oregon (who has never had one), etc.

I think that is a very strict criteria you have set because a lot of those programs are very much elite even though they don't have a National Title.

Only two teams from the B1G (as it stands in 2024) have won a National Title since the last time Tennessee won in 1998 (Ohio State and USC).

I get your point. Also, I was referring to all sports since this thread was in the basketball forum.
What coach gives us a better chance to go to the final four? You're trying pretty hard to sound like you understand, but you actually don't have a clue. Go ahead and give us a name. Barnes actually gives us the best chance.

Maybe it's not a new coach (or at least until he retires or decides to leave), but rather some adjustments to the coaching strategy, gameplan, recruiting? Not saying he's done those things badly - not at all - but sometimes it's good to add a new a wrinkle or a new strategy to an existing system.
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THAT DIDN'T GET THE RECIEVER WIDE OPEN! Yes, they missed that hold. I'm not arguing that. Baron was held all year. There are also screenshots out there of missed calls of our OL holding. We will never be able to control flags being thrown. We can control how we execute. Has to be better on both sides of the ball going forward..
Right. But you responded to a post saying the “officiating affected TN in the second half” by presenting a play officiating SHOULD have nullified. The wide open receiver would have NOT MATTERED had the play been called correctly and called back. That is “play being affected”. The most egregious play of the game.
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I get it but sometimes you’ve got to move to the next level. Take football for instance. We sucked for over a decade and would have been happy to just make a crappy bowl. We’ve made some crappy bowls so then we made some good bowls. Need to make an SECCG. Then maybe win an SECCG. Next step is the playoffs. I don’t expect a National Championship yet until we get a good taste of the playoffs. Once we do, the natural progression would be an NC.

Basketball pretty much had sucked for several years then we got an unexpected trip to the Sweet Sixteen with Cuonzo the Clown. I’m very thankful to have Barnes and it sure beats the previous past 30 years or so minus the Bruce Pearl years. We’ve had many Sweet Sixteens and I feel that Barnes has gotten us to the highest level that we’ve never been before on a consistent basis

But it’s time to move up to the next level. I’m ready for a Final Four and to compete for an NC. Barnes got us here and he’s now got our expectations up. It’s time for us to do better. I don’t think it’s too much to ask and I don’t think that people criticize the program for just kind of hanging around where it is are being unreasonable. I don’t think anybody does not appreciate where we are at and the state of the program under Barnes. But you play sports to win. And you should always be shooting for a championship. I understand it takes baby steps but we have went as far as we can go in this baby step. Time for the next step. Final Four and a NC! If some of you are satisfied then enjoy this baby step. I’m ready to win it all. That’s not unreasonable to expect and I can wish for anything I want.

Now you can go play in traffic in the middle of I75 on a Friday afternoon at 5:30 in West Knoxville if you’re so pathetic that you think you can tell the rest of us what we expect or wish for. If you like where we are at then enjoy it. I’m ready for more than this.
Most coaching and preparation goes on between games
No, he wouldn't have been able to make that throw. He might have scrambled away from Baron but wouldn't have made that throw
ohhhh ok hahaha Wrong but ok. My main point was always that we left a guy wide open for a TD. Don't bust a coverage and you probably live to play the next down there. Is that hard for people to understand? Or just harder to admit that we shat the bed in the second half and got it handed to us. Was it the refs fault we didn't score a single point the second half?
Honestly, losing to a 3-9 UCLA team did it end for Fulmer. He had no business losing to that team. I think it was coming off having those two ugly loses to open 2007 against Cal and Florida. Yeah we made it to Atlanta in 2007 but people forget how bleak it looked after a 1-2 start.
Cut leaving is what led to Fulmer being fired. The team was bad in 05. Cut came back in the off season. Multiple stories came out about how Cut had to fix culture issues. Cut was shocked to find out none of our WRs had a max bench of 300 lbs. The average NFL combine WR bench max is around 360. The team looked much better in 06 and 07, including losing close games to the eventual national champions each year. Cut left after 07. Then the 08 team looked really bad again. That made it crystal clear 05 and 08 was what Fulmer had become while 06 & 07 were due to Cut.
What coach gives us a better chance to go to the final four? You're trying pretty hard to sound like you understand, but you actually don't have a clue. Go ahead and give us a name. Barnes actually gives us the best chance.
I don’t want another coach. I love Barnes. Best we’ve had. I’m just ready for him to take us farther or the furthest. I do not want him replaced. I just think people on here have a right to want more and have an opinion about it. I still think most of these people don’t want rid of him. They just want him to get us over that hump. I get the frustration with some. I’ve been following UT basketball since about 1979. I’m ready for at least a Final Four and hopefully a NC.
ahhh, always somebody else's fault. On that play, he was going to get that pass off anyways. WR was wiiddddeeee open. Cover better and it probably doesn't happen. If you are one that always wants to blame somebody else instead of addressing issues within control, I don't know what to tell ya.

That’s probably the difference between you and the people you disagree with. You see limitations vs the argument seeing potential.

At any rate, on any play the players are subject to the official’s judgement and will. Nothing is in control when you subjugate yourself to another’s judgement - which is organized sports in a nutshell.

Edit: I’m not going to discuss the specific play because I think everyone knows you’re right that a receiver should not have gone unchecked. Anyone can safely speculate what would have or could have happened without being proven right or wrong.
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I am sorry for the strong language that I used against Rick Barnes last night. I am grateful for the success he has lead the program to in his tenure. I still feel the way I feel about how we are limited by his coaching and personality. I wish I could settle for being better than we were, but that’s not how I was raised to think.

That being said, the poster of this thread became a TN fan most likely because of our passionate and energetic fan base. I don’t respect the ironically toxic attack on our toxic fans. It just wreaks of ignorance.
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Scrolling through this thread gave me flashbacks of the insane mental gymnastics the true fan police would go through to justify keeping Fulmer around in 2008.

OP literally has trotted out a greatest hits album including

" Its the Fans Fault We're Losing"

" It's the Refs Fault We're Losing "

" It is literally anyone else's fault other than the guy in charge and the players fault we're losing "

"I'm an Alum and You're Not"

" I'm a hypocrite that is going to call out toxic fans by using toxic insults"

And everyone's favorite ditty " Go be a Bama Fan"
I agree with most of your post, but as someone who thought there was too muxh toxicity after Butch went 9-4, I think its only a very small vocal minority right now. I think a vast majority of the fans understand the context Heupel inherited and how well he is doing.
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I’m a Tennessee alum. Came here in 06’ because I wanted to go to a school with a big sports program, and be proud of my Alma mater.

I was a student Fulmer’s last year. I grew up a Michigan fan and I saw how two different programs conduct themselves. Michigan is similar in that Lloyd Carr was fired, probably before he should have been. And Michigan endured a decade of incompetence to pay for their decision of getting rid of a coach that won them a NC in 1997.

Tennessee pulled the same stunt with Fulmer. And we’ve been an absolute joke in football since. Firing Fulmer was the biggest mistake any major program has ever made. We went from
Being a blue blood to being a door mat, and a joke. Anyone that was vocally anti Fulmer and put pressure on the AD to act is responsible for the decade plus of incompetence.

If Tennessee was in the same position as Michigan was with Harbaugh, say—with Peyton Manning—and say Manning lost his first 3 or 4 games against Bama—they would have tarnished Manning’s legacy and probably chased him off. Michigan did the logical thing, fought to keep their guy—and now Michigan has defeated Ohio State 3 times in a row and will probably win a national championship this year.

And now I’m seeing many of the same morons cut from the same cloth—putting that same toxicity at Coach Rick Barnes.

If you need to spew venom and criticism—why not target the right thing. Officiating.

Tennessee has endured insane officiating across every major sport, and it’s not a coincidence. I don’t know why the officials have chosen to screw our school and our athletics; but they have. And it’s not an opinion. It’s not in my head.

Look at the stats. Heres the stats from this past football season.View attachment 598859

Check out the free throw discrepancy in Tennessee basketball games. It’s absurd. How much do we put up with before enough is enough???

If you must be toxic—aim that toxicity at the officiating and demand an inquiry or change at an institutional level.

Holding our coaches—who we are lucky to have—to absurd standards while not acknowledging the unfair level of play is insane and stupid.

To our whiny, annoying, toxic, embarrassing fan base—May you have a terrible Christmas and please go become an Alabama fan and annoy and embarrass those clowns. Christmas is the perfect time for you to get your transition completed and become the brave Alabama or Florida fan you know you really are Deep inside of you. I’m tired of you making the university I actually graduated from—look bad.

Thank you Coach Barnes, Coach Heupel, and Coach Vitello for being the best 3 coaches a school has across the major sports.

Go Vols!
Thanks for sharing your opinion. But wishing people a terrible Christmas? Go play in traffic? C'mon man.
Cut leaving is what led to Fulmer being fired. The team was bad in 05. Cut came back in the off season. Multiple stories came out about how Cut had to fix culture issues. Cut was shocked to find out none of our WRs had a max bench of 300 lbs. The average NFL combine WR bench max is around 360. The team looked much better in 06 and 07, including losing close games to the eventual national champions each year. Cut left after 07. Then the 08 team looked really bad again. That made it crystal clear 05 and 08 was what Fulmer had become while 06 & 07 were due to Cut.

The three headed monster of Fulmer as CEO/Recruiter, David Cutcliffe as OC, and John Chavis as DC made things run smoothly. Cutcliffe leaving did hurt, I agree (both times).
Until the officials have to answer for their ineptitude, nothing will change. They claim every game is scrutinized and the officials are graded but nothing changes as the same crews go out there week after week. I’m getting to the point of not enjoying the games anymore due to officiating and not just TN games. I hate any team getting jobbed by the officials. This includes all sports.

The NCAA doesn’t have to answer to us.

I’ve just accepted that crappy officiating in college sports will never change long as people continue to tune in and buy tickets.

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