Recent content by MG1968

  1. MG1968

    Amateur Hour Continues

    Better than passing a bill before you can see what’s in it.
  2. MG1968

    War in Ukraine

  3. MG1968

    War in Ukraine

    racism against Slavs!!!!!!!!!!!! Ethnic Russians in Norway should hold a sham referendum to rejoin Russia.
  4. MG1968

    Latest Coronavirus - Yikes

    Especially the dimwits that questioned your credibility as a doctor.
  5. MG1968

    Taliban Taking Over Afghanistan - Does anyone care?

    Not relevant. You asked what the US did besides kill people and break things. You got your ass handed to you in two consecutive replies so you come back and demand qualifiers instead of being grateful that your ****ing question was answered.
  6. MG1968

    2024 Presidential Race

    You pultroons do understand the difference between legal immigration and illegal immigration, don’t you? That said, Trump was never really serious about immigration reform. He and his buddies in the US Chamber of Commerce would lose too much money if they had to rely solely on work visa...
  7. MG1968

    Paul Pelosi attacked in home invasion

    What’s the over/under time served before Depape gets Vince Fostered because he knows things about Nancy that he shouldn’t?
  8. MG1968

    Taliban Taking Over Afghanistan - Does anyone care?

    For 20 years, girls could go to school and women could vote.
  9. MG1968

    North Korea: We Are At War With US

    For someone who claims to love the US, you spend a lot of time bowing and scraping to its enemies.
  10. MG1968

    Electric Vehicles

    Per can cost is still way lower than a vending machine.
  11. MG1968

    War in Ukraine

    It doesn’t matter what you think about Ukrainian losses, either. But that’s never stopped your bitching about the “meat grinder”.
  12. MG1968

    War in Ukraine

    What about all the Russian lives sacrificed for Putin’s little escapade? Have the results so far been worth the loss in men and materiel?
  13. MG1968

    Movies you've seen recently II

    Argyle 5/10. Not bad until the last few scenes where it just seemed to jump the shark. Bryce Dallas Howard has put on some weight.
  14. MG1968

    War in Ukraine

    “TEEM”? Seems legit.
  15. MG1968

    War in Ukraine

    How? By claiming burger flippers are skilled workers and coining catchy phrases like “US of gay”?

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