I really like Hardwick and the nerdist podcast so I have been meaning to watch this, but I keep forgetting to tune in. I have too much stuff piled up on my DVR I need to watch to add this.
I have participated in a couple of their hashtag games on twitter when I have happened to catch them.
I watch this show daily now. I thought last night was great, though Horatio Sans should've been in the final two. His line, The Diarrhea of Anne Frank, was absolutely genius.
I think Hardwick is getting better at not rewarding unfunny things. It's still an early premise and they even lampshade the point system ala Whose Line, so it's not a huge deal to me while they still do the kinks.
definitely. That was such a great line. And I love how if someone says something funny enough, that they'll get points even if it's not a time they're "able" to win it. It follows the premise of being the funniest person.
I'd also add "the champs" to that list
Hadn't heard of this one for some reason. I like Moshe when he's on DLM. Looked over some guests they've had and it looks good. I'll check it out this week.
Thanks for the suggestion. (Nerdist is usually good w/ lots of good guests but I'm guessing you know about it already)