Yes, it's pretty silly now, even considering the show is about fairy tales.
Dorthy is making a appearance in if I recall right the two hour season finale.
I think it is pretty good. I've been watching it since it started. There are some parts that you can tell they are really stretching things to make it fit, but over all I think the series is well done and a good concept.
A rather awkward looking Dorothy compared to the first. I think I actually like the show a little better now that Regina is on the good side. The show was far more dark in it's earlier seasons. Honestly, I used to finish watching a majority of the shows and thinking hardly anything good ever happens in it. I guess Kitsis and Horowitz finally decided to lighten it a bit.
Perhaps a minor thread title correction is in order though?
Actually if you look into the "un-Disneyed" original versions of many fairy tales you might be taken rather aback by how dark they really were.
If I'm not mistaken not all of them end "happily ever after" like Disney does it either. I seem to remember back when I was in elementary school and Disney's "The Little Mermaid" came out one of our teachers made us watch a version based off the actually Hans Christin Anderson story. "IF" I'm remembering right, and this has been almost 30 years ago so I may be wrong, the mermaid fails and dies at the end.
I have actually enjoyed OUAT for the most part. I did somewhat lose interest during the early part of the season with the Neverland storyline (the whole Peter Pan being the bad guy bugged me).
I jumped back in with when it returned in March and have been enjoying it more as someone said Regina being more on the good side makes it more interesting.
One other thing I'm finding interesting to watch is the interactions between Mary Margaret "Snow" and David "Prince Charming" as Ginnifer Goodwin & Josh Dallas are actually now married and she really is pregnant.
Just finished the finale. I think they did a great job with it, and covered all their bases well. Nice little twist on who came back. The new face for next season might be interesting. Not 100% on who it is, there are 2 choices that would fit, but I think I know where they are going.
With who came back they are wasting no time in cashing in $$$! hmy: