How good will Kenny Hall be?



Sep 15, 2008
I have read that he should be a very good player. Could he be a started freshman year, so just come off the bench?
I meant to say that there's a decent chance he'll be in the rotation. Not starting. My computer's acting up.
A good comparison for Kenny, would be Wayne Chism. He plays just like Wayne. I think he'll be in the rotation, but I think we'll see Brian and Wayne in the frontcourt.
A good comparison for Kenny, would be Wayne Chism. He plays just like Wayne. I think he'll be in the rotation, but I think we'll see Brian and Wayne in the frontcourt.

So he's gonna shoot as many 3's as Lofton and spend more time in the backcourt than Maze.
What about Phillip Jurick??

Jurick was redshirted and sat on the bench all year till Childress came back then he was in the stands. He didnt really impress me in the Rocky Top League so I dont know what the kid has got. Maybe he has turned his game around.
Jurick, from what most people say, can block shots and rebound but is very limited on offense.

He could turn out to be like the white guy from Arkansas... Hill was his last name I think.
Jurick, from what most people say, can block shots and rebound but is very limited on offense.

He could turn out to be like the white guy from Arkansas... Hill was his last name I think.

Stephen hill cost us an sec tourney title in 07-08
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Jurick is a prospect that I do not understand why we recruited him. He doesn't fit into Pearl's controlled chaos scheme in any way.
Jurick is a prospect that I do not understand why we recruited him. He doesn't fit into Pearl's controlled chaos scheme in any way.

Having never seen him play I have no clue. However if he can block shots he would be a valuable tool being the last line of defense on a press. If he is fast enough he could also guard the man trying to throw the ball in on the press. Major Wingate did a pretty job at this I believe.
A good comparison for Kenny, would be Wayne Chism. He plays just like Wayne. I think he'll be in the rotation, but I think we'll see Brian and Wayne in the frontcourt.

I'm pretty sure Hall is limited from the perimeter.

In the Georgia All-Star game last month he had 35 points and 18 rebounds.
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I don't hate him. Just speaking the truth. He's a PF who acts like a SG sometimes.

Actually, Wayne has played very little PF this year. Only the handful of times when we have seen Williams and Chism on the floor at the same time has Chism played the 4.
Actually, Wayne has played very little PF this year. Only the handful of times when we have seen Williams and Chism on the floor at the same time has Chism played the 4.

What's your point? His natural position is the 4
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A good comparison for Kenny, would be Wayne Chism. He plays just like Wayne. I think he'll be in the rotation, but I think we'll see Brian and Wayne in the frontcourt.

From what I have seen on tape of Hall, I think the best comparison on the team would be Negedu. I haven't seen Hall show that he can shoot. He appears to be athletic, good rebounder, good defender. With that said, I still don't see anyway that he would be a starter next year.

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