


No Randy you can't...
Dec 15, 2007
Fulmer award: Some fans hot, Kiffin not : Football : GoVolsXtra.com I have no animosity towards CPF but my question is why is he recieving this award?why now?I could have understood it in the late 90's,but who are these individuals that have awarded him this ?(who are the members who voted for this)somebody just won't let it die ,do they know we have a new coaching staff?seems to me somebody is on the kool-aid hard and just can't get off of it,
let it go. he deserves any accalaids he gets from this point forward. i find it hard to believe it's a charity award given to a guy that's 2nd all time in wins, has a national title, two SEC titles and COY awards.

it ended, rightfully so. but it's not like in his 17 years he didn't accomplish anything.
Fulmer (the second winningest coach at UT) got an award named after the winningest coach in UT history. That seems about right.
let it go. he deserves any accalaids he gets from this point forward. i find it hard to believe it's a charity award given to a guy that's 2nd all time in wins, has a national title, two SEC titles and COY awards.

it ended, rightfully so. but it's not like in his 17 years he didn't accomplish anything.
yes i agree he may have deserved this award (at one time )but don't you think the timing is somewhat strange......
Many people receive 'awards' upon 'retiring'. CPF did much good for the UT Vols. Yes, not so much in the last few years, but he is not in that position anymore, is he? Congratulations I say. Now, let's move on.
Many people receive 'awards' upon 'retiring'. CPF did much good for the UT Vols. Yes, not so much in the last few years, but he is not in that position anymore, is he? Congratulations I say. Now, let's move on.

I concur. Go Vols!
Many people receive 'awards' upon 'retiring'. CPF did much good for the UT Vols. Yes, not so much in the last few years, but he is not in that position anymore, is he? Congratulations I say. Now, let's move on.

Retiring? :eek:lol:
Its all good man. CPF deserves this award. Its handled everything with pride. He's done a good job stepping down. I believe this is fitting for him.
Whether you like Fulmer ot not, this award is being given out at the spring game. It is not like they are giving it before the Florida or Bama game. It will be forgotten by most come the fall
This is awful timing for the award. Yes, he deserves it, but I feel that it will interrupt the team during the O&W game.
Now, let's move on.

That's the thing... It doesn't seem like we can. Why not? Why not just let him ride away in to the sunset and let his legacy be remembered, and not forced upon us. IMO he does deserve this accolaid. But why now? Why at this point in time? Had he stayed, would we be discussing him receiving this award? Probably not... We'd all be butting heads on whether or not he should be let go or given a chance to right the ship...
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his blood does run orange 35 years with ut 100 wins above .500. timeing could be alittle off but i think it is well deserved
Its all good man. CPF deserves this award. Its handled everything with pride. He's done a good job stepping down. I believe this is fitting for him.

Stepping down? :eek:lol: Are you kidding me? He was kicked to the curb with a monster payout while kicking and screaming.
This wasn't even a UT thing. It was given out by the Knoxville Quarterback Club, not the University of Tennessee. It wasn't a Volscar. There's no need to fret over this. The Club voted that he earned the award, and that's that.
Hyams is an idiot, and he proved it with this. We all know that Fulmer accomplished great things during his tenure at UT, but to give him this award during Kiffin's first O&W game as head coach is absolutely ridiculous.
calm down, people. cpf did a lot for the school, state, and program. let the man get the award and walk away. i mean.....if not fulmer, who were they gonna give it to? tuberville? lol
calm down, people. cpf did a lot for the school, state, and program. let the man get the award and walk away. i mean.....if not fulmer, who were they gonna give it to? tuberville? lol

That's not our argument. We know fulmer deserves the award. Its the timing of the award that blows my mind.
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calm down, people. cpf did a lot for the school, state, and program. let the man get the award and walk away. i mean.....if not fulmer, who were they gonna give it to? tuberville? lol

Will he walk away?
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Stepping down? :eek:lol: Are you kidding me? He was kicked to the curb with a monster payout while kicking and screaming.

I'd hardly call what happened to him "getting kicked to the curb"... It is more like he was releived from his duties as head coach, and then given preferred treatman because of his name...
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If you're so upset, go here and tell them what they should have done. If not, then just rant for hours and accomplish nothing. Go to the source of the award and give them your input.
yes i agree he may have deserved this award (at one time )but don't you think the timing is somewhat strange......
no stranger than when they put someone in the HOF after they died. why not do it while they're still living? if they deserve it, they desreve it.

same here.

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