UT Offensive Line



Senior Member
Oct 31, 2003
Alot of folks want to talk about who should be the starting QB this year (which merits some discussion). However, I would like to talk about the offensive line!!!

I was able to attend the second scrimmage which took place this past saturday. IMO the offensive line looks average if not worse. They appear to be slow and lack intensity. The QB's were sacked numerous times. The run blocking early on was atrocious.

Apparently, the o-line did not fair that much better last night. Pass blocking has been spotty and there is very little depth. If the O-line does not improve dramatically it will not matter who plays QB. I would not be surprised to see QB go down to injury this year.

Fulmer has been noted to be a very good o-line coach so IMO he should spend more time coaching the o-line. Forget technique just block someone.
Alot of folks want to talk about who should be the starting QB this year (which merits some discussion). However, I would like to talk about the offensive line!!!

Fulmer has been noted to be a very good o-line coach so IMO he should spend more time coaching the o-line. Forget technique just block someone.


IMO, UT is going to be running the ball the majority of the time behind Sears at LT. This is going to be apparent to everyone on the defense, making it very difficult. Pass blocking, and run blocking are going to be a weakness.
According to the interviews about last night's practice, Fulmer was using several new people at o line and elsewhere. That could account for the defense manhandling our o line last pm 9and the fact that we are good on the d line). He was resting his startes for the most part. After our starting 5 we have maybe 3 players that are ready for SEC play on the line. That is pretty thin. He admits that there is a big gap between the starters and the backups on the line. what really frustrates me is he refuses to take over caoching the line and he was good at that once. He claims that he can't give it the time needed. If they fall apart it will be his a$$ in the sling.
Aren't there supposed to be limits to what is presented on this site. I nearly hurled thinking about Phil in one of the Banana Hammocks in the pictures. Don't do that. Bad newbie. Bad.
Alot of folks want to talk about who should be the starting QB this year (which merits some discussion). However, I would like to talk about the offensive line!!!

I was able to attend the second scrimmage which took place this past saturday. IMO the offensive line looks average if not worse. They appear to be slow and lack intensity. The QB's were sacked numerous times. The run blocking early on was atrocious.

Apparently, the o-line did not fair that much better last night. Pass blocking has been spotty and there is very little depth. If the O-line does not improve dramatically it will not matter who plays QB. I would not be surprised to see QB go down to injury this year.

Fulmer has been noted to be a very good o-line coach so IMO he should spend more time coaching the o-line. Forget technique just block someone.

I read on VolQuest.com(after Saturday's scrimage) that the O-line did very well. That they got pissed because there was a late hit on Ainge then became very physical and thus ran the ball on the Defense. This was reported by Brent Hubbs but I was not there so I don't know first hand like you do.:dunno:
I read on VolQuest.com(after Saturday's scrimage) that the O-line did very well. That they got pissed because there was a late hit on Ainge then became very physical and thus ran the ball on the Defense. This was reported by Brent Hubbs but I was not there so I don't know first hand like you do.:dunno:

Hubbs must have been watching another game. IMO they did not look very good at all.
We have gone into two prior seasons with highly ranked O-line. They did not perform to expectations. I would rather go into season, given prior two year expectations, with low expectations and be surprised. I think once game time arrives all will be ok.
I am optimistic. This line is big, physical, and has been banging heads with one of the best D lines in the country. When Harrell who has seen some good lines says they're good... then they're probably pretty good.

I love the fact that they've slimmed down while getting stronger and faster. Remember the good ol' days everyone keeps harkening back to? What did those guys do well? They were physical and could pull.
i don't think it's any secrest that the O line at this point in time is not a strength on this team. One big reason for that is we're not very deep.

the tuesday scrimmage was used to help build some depth, as someone pointed out, a lot of the 1's didn't get a ton of action...and they wanted to see how the rest of the guys did against the 1's on defense....that's the biggest concern...they didn't do very well. I think CPF said after the scrimmage, that if they have to go in to games with only 7 O linemen, then that's what they'll do, but they surely don't have a lot of depth there....the 1's may be OK, but w/out being spelled some, and possibly playing multiple posiitions, it could get interesting. we'll hope that the D line is just that good and will make a lot of Olines look bad, not just ours....!!!!
listen guys...... i am not hating on the oline............ i know what i saw on saturday. ..... i am not going to sit here and make excuses for the o-line; such as well they were going against the 1st team d-line.

well you know what guys from everything i have heard, cal has a pretty good d-line themselves not to mention some of our conference foes.

the o-line has lost some beef, maybe 15 lbs a man on average, but they really did not look much quicker (if at all quicker) on saturday night. i know it was a srimmage and you cant see everything.

evryone can have hope and be optimistic but i am a realist. it is what it is, nothing more nothing less.
Don't you have to factor in the fact that the O is going against a D that is suppose to be really good. It's like the Chattanooga paper the other day that said Ainge had a great day but the secondary stunk. Come on guys let up, these guys may be pretty good now and are just going up against a great D. I think they will just keep getting better and once the freshman get some expierance then we'll be in good shape. That is the way I choose to look at the situation.
Cal's line is getting great press and might be the next Steel Curtain.

OTOH, They played a schedule last year with only 3 teams on it that finished with a winning record. They gave up an average of over 20 ppg against that schedule while UT gave up 18 against a schedule with two BCS teams, 3 other Jan Bowl teams, and two more teams that played in Bowls.

IOW's, we KNOW that UT's d-line has played competitively with some of the best o-lines in the country. All we know about Cal's d-line is that they can dominate mediocre to weak competition while struggling against offenses that actually have a pulse like UCLA, Oregon, and USC.
listen guys...... i am not hating on the oline............ i know what i saw on saturday. ..... i am not going to sit here and make excuses for the o-line; such as well they were going against the 1st team d-line.

well you know what guys from everything i have heard, cal has a pretty good d-line themselves not to mention some of our conference foes.

the o-line has lost some beef, maybe 15 lbs a man on average, but they really did not look much quicker (if at all quicker) on saturday night. i know it was a srimmage and you cant see everything.

evryone can have hope and be optimistic but i am a realist. it is what it is, nothing more nothing less.

Was just kiddin'. You are right but I am still hopin' for the best.
There's a shocker! :)

so ok...the o-line is great. the vols are going to average 250 + rushing yards and 300 + passing yards per game.

they are going to be SEC Champions and win the Natl Championship.

hey just being optimistic.

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2:
so ok...the o-line is great. the vols are going to average 250 + rushing yards and 300 + passing yards per game.

they are going to be SEC Champions and win the Natl Championship.

hey just being optimistic.

:dance2: :dance2: :dance2:

I was just Smart *ssing you a little. If you remember a couple of weeks ago I brought up that our D line would be very good and our O line would be suspect and many on here got after me. But I will say this. I do feel a little better about them.
There's been a question mark about the coaching of the offensive line for a few years.

Adkins, may turn out to be the best offensive line coach ever at UT, but there is nothing in his background to suggest that. He was the offensive line coach at Georgia under Donnan at a time when UT and Florida dominated them. Since then, he was tight end coach at UT, an under utilized position at UT.

He has a clean slate as far as I am concerned, but he has not distinguished himself in coaching up to this point.

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