Should JuJuan Smith come off the bench?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I keep saying this season that I don't think JuJuan has the same spark that he had last season. He has seemed to struggle a lot more in several aspects of his game.

I have been thinking as of late that maybe he should come off the bench like he did last season. Maybe watching that first couple minutes of the game would allow him to get a feel for the flow of the game.

It could be that I just have too high expecations for JuJuan. Last season I thought he was one of the most exciting players on the team and I expected him to be a leader this season. For whatever reason, I don't think he's done that.

Much to my surprise, when I look up his stats compared to last year, he is playing better statistically in several categories:

          	2006    2007
FG%       	39.7%   42.1%
Reb       	3.1     4 
Points    	9.5     14.1
Steals		1.3	2.1

However, he is also playing worse in a few categories:
          	2006    2007
Assists		1.9	1.5
Turnovers	1.3	2.3	
3pt FG%		37.7	36.2

After the way he has played the past couple of games, I think that I would leave him on the bench the whole game. In all seriousness, I wouldn't mind to see Tabb start to get a few of Smith's minutes. Smith is a great set shooter, but is in capable of creating anything off of the dribble.
I think CBP needs to do something. JSmith started off the season strong - but I think a trend analysis on the above stats would show he is getting worse in most categories. Not sure what is going on, but the last several games, I have been cringing when he gets the ball on offense.

Maybe coming off the bench would be a change of pace he needs.

And I'm sure he leads the team in "stupid fouls".
Stats seldom lie.Appears to be logical reasoning.Why not give it at least one try and see.
BTW, while the discussion is stats, what is our FT % this year compared to last year same time?
Well with more playing time comes more missed 3's and more TO's. You would think that his assists would go up. God idea though, Freak. Let Chism and Crews both start the game.
Stats seldom lie.Appears to be logical reasoning.Why not give it at least one try and see.
BTW, while the discussion is stats, what is our FT % this year compared to last year same time?

I don't know what it was at this exact point last year but for the season we shot 70.1% in 05-06 and this year so far we are shooting 65.4%.
Well with more playing time comes more missed 3's and more TO's. You would think that his assists would go up. God idea though, Freak. Let Chism and Crews both start the game.
His minutes aren't up all that much. He played 24 minutes a game last season and is averaging 26.9 this season.
I don't know his average minutes, but I get the sense that others are getting a fair amount of substitute minutes for Jajuan on the floor throughout the game. I'm still one who likes the idea, in this case, of the more veteran player opening up the game on the floor.

*posted before I saw the above RE:minutes...
I don't think it matters if he starts or comes off the bench. I do know that if he doesn't score, we lose! He has been streaky and played out of control his whole life. I thought CP did a great job of controling him last year and has kind of turned him loose this year. CP just needs to reign him back in a little.
He came up big in the ETSU game and Tenn Tech game but let's see some good numbers in conference play.
I keep saying this season that I don't think JuJuan has the same spark that he had last season. He has seemed to struggle a lot more in several aspects of his game.


It was nice last year, when Jajuan was substituting for Lofton, since they have a similar game, shooting 3's.
We just need to get him some confidence back so he'll be aggressive. His is a very aggressive mindset and players like that struggle more than most when their confidence is shaken a little.
Didn't see the Vandy game, but against OSU I noticed what JaJuan's two main faults are that cause him to have off games. First, he took way too many off balance 3 point shots. Some shooters are better that way (i.e. Lofton), but if he doesn't have his shoulders square and his legs up under him his shooting percentage is less than 10%. Second, when his first shot or two doesn't fall, his mental game is done for the rest of the game. I may have seen him bounce back in the second half once or twice in his career.
If it wasn't for the last two games, this conversation would not be happening. He has played great in the prior games and if he hadn't been hitting those threes when Chris was covered up, there would be a few more Ls in the Loss side of the ledger. He doing a good job, but right now I think he is applying a little too much pressure to himself. JuJuan just needs to relax a little bit and let the game come to him, instead of him trying to make something happen.
Jujuan isn't playing worse than last year, as most of the stats have shown that he is a little better than last year actually. However, at this point Tabb would get exposed if he were to start and play major minutes. He isn't a better scorer and he isn't that much of a better defender. Jujuan has a lot more experience than Tabb and I don't see who else would start over him. Also, if Jujuan were demoted, I really doubt that he would play much better after being embarassed and he would be even more of a liability for us.
basically just some comments from JuJuan acknowledging that if he hits his average the past two games, we win. His teammates are still behind him, he just needs his confidnce back.
As I posted earlier, he just seems to be pressing to create too much. I think he'll come around, but he has got to be more consistent for the team to do any damage the rest of the year.

Thanks for the reply.
Jujuan also mentioned that he thought it was his duty to play well so he can "free up Chris, the best shooter in American and get him more open looks."

Some have mentioned that Jujuan has been playing like he wants to show Chris up. Could it be that he's actually trying to draw some attention and take some defensive pressure off of Chris? I could see how one could be mistaken for the other.
As could I, but he needs to realize that his game is not taking off balance perimeter shots. He's not the best finisher, but kick outs on drives may just free up Lofton a little more. Always play to your strengths and against other team's weaknesses. Take what the game gives you.
I think that JuJuan needs to continue to start. As bad as his shooting has been in the last two games, he did hit a three late in the Vandy game (before that shot he was 1 for 9) that at the time looked like it was going to be huge for Tennessee - I think it put them up by 3 after the team had battled back from being behind by double digits. He just needs to regain his confidence and maybe take some better shots.

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