Tennessee Is In Serious Trouble


Don Tello

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
I said the other day that they need to shoot to split the next four. Guys, the bottom line is we have lost to Vandy, Auburn and Ole Miss. Going into the season, these were 3 teams that everyone felt like we would beat. We have not even got to the "Powers" of the conference yet. I am just very worried that the wheels are falling off. I hope to God that I am wrong, because it is really working on me. I want TN to succeed as much as anyone, but this is getting very frustrating. Was our early season run luck? Memphis, Texas and Oklahoma State are ALL BETTER than Vandy, Auburn and Ole Miss on an average night. At this point, I am hoping for a 7-9 conference record. I think it will take at least 7 league wins to have any chance to get in the tournament. Win less than that and we might be headed to that dreaded 3 letter tournament.
I think Vandy and Auburn was bad luck at the end. The Vandy game was anyone's, and the Auburn game was poor 2nd half defense. The same with the Ole Miss game. We get a 10pt half time lead, and then allow a 20-7 run or something crazy. We get too hurried in the second half and don't play smart. It also doesn't help that ramar decided to turn the ball over about 10 times.

We need Lofton as the go-to guy. The other guys did well early on, but started shooting poorly once they got a little tired. I think we'll be ok, and maybe with Lofton back can make a run in the SEC tourny to lock in a NCAA bid....but we have GOT to start playing 40 minutes, not 30-35.
With last years unexpected success, we are putting too high an expectation on this team. Realistic thinking would say that we will be good in two years. Not having a post player, hurts this team. Wingate being dismissed hurt, but not end of world (I would personally like to have a coach that sets rules and then enforces them.) The Vols have proven they can play with the best and depending on the outcome of the season-We are in a better place than we have ever been before. Take the lumps and be proud that we have something to start cheering for other than football.
good point.

and lets also not forget that Vandy and Auburn may not suck as much as we might think.

Vandy beat KY and Bama, right? Auburn just got done beating Bama........

Ole MIss was close to upsetting FL......

i think the conf. as a whole is just better. and like AZ said, we aren't as experienced as last year. really missing a good experienced leader at the point, and while Duke and Wayne are good and will get better, the presence in the middle is not there on a consistent basis.

which brings up a question....would having Major on this team this year made any real big difference???

i do think though that we are better than we have been playing.....but they are young.
They are what they are. Average to Below-average players with a superstar leading them.

I would use the cliche: "As Lofton goes, so go the Vols," but he could play the game of his life and the Vols still lose to top teams.

Having said that Bruce Pearl is a master at getting maximum results.
young team with growing pains. just give them time to gel, and let Pearl mold them. I have a lot of confidence in Pearl.
With last years unexpected success, we are putting too high an expectation on this team. Realistic thinking would say that we will be good in two years. Not having a post player, hurts this team. Wingate being dismissed hurt, but not end of world (I would personally like to have a coach that sets rules and then enforces them.) The Vols have proven they can play with the best and depending on the outcome of the season-We are in a better place than we have ever been before. Take the lumps and be proud that we have something to start cheering for other than football.
There ya go.
Look at everyone's conferences road games. All our losses are on the road. There are only 4 teams in the SEC with conference road wins. We need to concentrate on holding home court at this point.
The conference all around is up this year. Pretty much anyone can beat anyone. Vandy and Georgia have beaten KY, Auburn is getting some key wins against TN, and Bama. Ole Miss isn't bad, and neither is Miss. St. Vandy is on a roll, they did beat LSU at LSU last nite. The conf. is ridiculous, no other conf is this tough.
The conference all around is up this year. Pretty much anyone can beat anyone. Vandy and Georgia have beaten KY, Auburn is getting some key wins against TN, and Bama. Ole Miss isn't bad, and neither is Miss. St. Vandy is on a roll, they did beat LSU at LSU last nite. The conf. is ridiculous, no other conf is this tough.
the way things are going, it may, may, wind up that way.....but i think the pac 10 is probably tougher right now top to bottom...esp at the top. the sec has only one real clear cut NT contender, and that, unfortunately is FL...the pac 10 has at lesat two. The big ten has two....after that, though it gets pretty weak in that conf. The ACC has one in UNC...and the rest are a lot a like..GT, Duke, UVA, VT, Clemson etc....all capable, but inconsistent.

the big 12 doesn't suck either.....KS, TX, OSU, A&M...all good teams. KSU is capable as well.

For the SEC to be considered the top, a couple of other teams are going to have to establish themselves o/t FL....LSU, Bama, TN, KY, Vandy....are all capable of doing that, but up until now, they all seem to be kind of in the same place........inconsistentville.
good point.

and lets also not forget that Vandy and Auburn may not suck as much as we might think.

Vandy beat KY and Bama, right? Auburn just got done beating Bama........

Vandy also beat LSU and GT. Even so, I think the inexperience of this team has shown in a couple of the close games.
Don Tello says that hopefully the Vols are just young. Last night's game really puts it into perspective just how good Chris Lofton is. Without Chris Lofton, TN probably has a losing record right now, don't you think? They are 14-6. They never beat Memphis, Oklahoma State, Texas, Mississippi State, Western Kentucky, or others without him. Do you guys agree. I am just frustruated from the years of ****** TN basketball teams. I am ready to put a consistent winner on the floor. I know Pearl is the right coach, it just gets so frustrating.
Don Tello says that hopefully the Vols are just young. Last night's game really puts it into perspective just how good Chris Lofton is. Without Chris Lofton, TN probably has a losing record right now, don't you think? They are 14-6. They never beat Memphis, Oklahoma State, Texas, Mississippi State, Western Kentucky, or others without him. Do you guys agree. I am just frustruated from the years of ****** TN basketball teams. I am ready to put a consistent winner on the floor. I know Pearl is the right coach, it just gets so frustrating.
he does make a difference. but every good team in the country has a player that can make that kind of difference.

this team is still young. Lofton and Bradshaw are hte only starters that have a wealth of experience. the others are young and will get better.

the future of UT bball looks better today than it has in the past 20 years.

we're in year 2 of BP.....it will take some time.....to be that consistent winner.
BP is getting more out of what he's got (talent-wise) than most coaches out there. I've truly enjoyed watching this team play (win and lose). If he sticks around, we'll be consistently good (NCAA-bound).
The conference all around is up this year. Pretty much anyone can beat anyone. Vandy and Georgia have beaten KY, Auburn is getting some key wins against TN, and Bama. Ole Miss isn't bad, and neither is Miss. St. Vandy is on a roll, they did beat LSU at LSU last nite. The conf. is ridiculous, no other conf is this tough.

Let's be honest here....the conference is a disaster this year. The top teams are mediocre at best. Alabama is struggling because Davidson is a head case and Steele is playing hurt. KY couldn't throw it in the ocean from a raft. UGA is OK at best. SC is the worst of all. Vandy is decent at home, but tend to suck on the road (where they just dropped the hammer on LSU by doubling and tripling Davis to death). Take a little peek at Vandy's pre-conference struggles. AR has no prayer of winning on the road, but might not lose at home. Ole Miss - please. MSU - nada, zilch. UF: legit and runaway conf champs - shot about 10% on the road last night and still pulled out a W.

How you can take this and assume the entire conference is "up" befuddles me.

As for last night, any game in which we turn it over more than the other guys, we will lose. Any game in which RSmith turns it over 10 times, we will lose. Subtract Lofton with those cirdumstances, we get blown out in a second half by a pathetic program.
Let's be honest here....the conference is a disaster this year. The top teams are mediocre at best. Alabama is struggling because Davidson is a head case and Steele is playing hurt. KY couldn't throw it in the ocean from a raft. UGA is OK at best. SC is the worst of all. Vandy is decent at home, but tend to suck on the road (where they just dropped the hammer on LSU by doubling and tripling Davis to death). Take a little peek at Vandy's pre-conference struggles. AR has no prayer of winning on the road, but might not lose at home. Ole Miss - please. MSU - nada, zilch. UF: legit and runaway conf champs - shot about 10% on the road last night and still pulled out a W.

How you can take this and assume the entire conference is "up" befuddles me.

As for last night, any game in which we turn it over more than the other guys, we will lose. Any game in which RSmith turns it over 10 times, we will lose. Subtract Lofton with those cirdumstances, we get blown out in a second half by a pathetic program.
That is quality analysis.
Let's be honest here....the conference is a disaster this year. The top teams are mediocre at best. Alabama is struggling because Davidson is a head case and Steele is playing hurt. KY couldn't throw it in the ocean from a raft. UGA is OK at best. SC is the worst of all. Vandy is decent at home, but tend to suck on the road (where they just dropped the hammer on LSU by doubling and tripling Davis to death). Take a little peek at Vandy's pre-conference struggles. AR has no prayer of winning on the road, but might not lose at home. Ole Miss - please. MSU - nada, zilch. UF: legit and runaway conf champs - shot about 10% on the road last night and still pulled out a W.

How you can take this and assume the entire conference is "up" befuddles me.

As for last night, any game in which we turn it over more than the other guys, we will lose. Any game in which RSmith turns it over 10 times, we will lose. Subtract Lofton with those cirdumstances, we get blown out in a second half by a pathetic program.
I believe anyone who has been through what Davidson has would be having some issues.
I believe anyone who has been through what Davidson has would be having some issues.

I didn't mean to come off as demeaning as it did. I get where he is at and feel sorry for him.

UA gets him where he needs to be and Steele healthier, they will compete favorably with anyone in the country.

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