This is worse than the UNC loss in 2000

Far worse . . . You knew going in that we were going to lose to UNC. But there really was a feeling that we had a chance tonight and then to open the game like that. We really had those guys right where we wanted them.
it hurts more.
maybe because we play an exciting brand of ball and the team appears to be devoid of the punks that marked the Green era, but I thought the 2000 loss was devastating. Our team was supposed to be there then. Now, we really are playing with house money.
i dunno....had we won in 2000 we would had to have played freakin' Tulsa to get to the final 4

this team has promise and I think we can be real contenders for the final 4 next year
I disagree. This team has more promise than the 2000 team. I look foward to next year.

I didn't say the future wasn't bright, I said this loss hurts worse. Of course, back then, we didn't like our players and hated our coach. :lol:
This hurts the most because in the back of my mind the whole time I was thinking we had a shot at the Final Four.
I didn't say the future wasn't bright, I said this loss hurts worse. Of course, back then, we didn't like our players and hated our coach. :lol:

That's pretty funny because it's true. I can remember thinking Jerry Green was a jerk and wishing Tony Harris would hurry up and graduate.
I decided to go to my local pub tonight and have a few pints. I thought that I would watch the first half and then go home to watch the second. Needless to say, although I am not normally a person who believes in magical thinking, I refused to change anything after the first half. I ended up watching the end of the game in what ended up being a roomful of OSU fans and people who had OSU in their brackets. UT was not very popular.

I paid my tab with five minutes left. When the game was over, I drained the last half of my pint and immediately stalked out while the OSU people were still screaming. On the way back to my car, I heard a random chick on the street crowing about how the Buckeyes had won. I had the abrupt urge to yank her down in the street and urinate in her face, but since she was surrounded by a bunch of beefy idiot-looking guys, I went on to my car. I turned off the radio as soon as I got in the car, because I didn't want to hear anything. Driving home, it was like somebody had kicked me in the stomach. I am running an NCAA pool but yet I don't want to watch any more of the games, either tomorrow or for the rest of the weekend. I just don't care anymore. Just let me read the antiseptic scores on the ticker and mark the sheets, but don't make me watch any of the games that Tennessee should have been in. The last thing I want to see is a sports page, dammit.

It was then that I recognized this feeling as exactly the same sort of kicked-in-the-balls feeling as LSU '01, Georgia '01, Florida '99, Alabama '05, etc. Losing sucks when you care. And it was then that I realized that really and truly, Tennessee basketball matters again.

Tonight sucks. But thank you, Bruce Pearl.
It was then that I recognized this feeling as exactly the same sort of kicked-in-the-balls feeling as LSU '01, Georgia '01, Florida '99, Alabama '05, etc. Losing sucks when you care. And it was then that I realized that really and truly, Tennessee basketball matters again.

Tonight sucks. But thank you, Bruce Pearl.
You talkin' about the family jewels?
You talkin' about the family jewels?

Choose whichever metaphor you like. I just mean that I'm not sure I've had the same pit-of-the-gut feeling about basketball since Ralph Sampson destroyed us a long, long time ago when I was still an impressionable young boy. I still remember that newspaper photo of him rising up over Howard Wood like the Dark Lord of Mordor.

(Caveat: I was too drunk for the UNC loss in 2000 to have really registered on me. At the beginning of the game, I was pissed off that I was a little too drunk to be following it well. By the end of that game, I was glad that the drink had numbed me to the collapse.)
I decided to go to my local pub tonight and have a few pints. I thought that I would watch the first half and then go home to watch the second. Needless to say, although I am not normally a person who believes in magical thinking, I refused to change anything after the first half. I ended up watching the end of the game in what ended up being a roomful of OSU fans and people who had OSU in their brackets. UT was not very popular.

I paid my tab with five minutes left. When the game was over, I drained the last half of my pint and immediately stalked out while the OSU people were still screaming. On the way back to my car, I heard a random chick on the street crowing about how the Buckeyes had won. I had the abrupt urge to yank her down in the street and urinate in her face, but since she was surrounded by a bunch of beefy idiot-looking guys, I went on to my car. I turned off the radio as soon as I got in the car, because I didn't want to hear anything. Driving home, it was like somebody had kicked me in the stomach. I am running an NCAA pool but yet I don't want to watch any more of the games, either tomorrow or for the rest of the weekend. I just don't care anymore. Just let me read the antiseptic scores on the ticker and mark the sheets, but don't make me watch any of the games that Tennessee should have been in. The last thing I want to see is a sports page, dammit.

It was then that I recognized this feeling as exactly the same sort of kicked-in-the-balls feeling as LSU '01, Georgia '01, Florida '99, Alabama '05, etc. Losing sucks when you care. And it was then that I realized that really and truly, Tennessee basketball matters again.

Tonight sucks. But thank you, Bruce Pearl.
Good post.
Choose whichever metaphor you like. I just mean that I'm not sure I've had the same pit-of-the-gut feeling about basketball since Ralph Sampson destroyed us a long, long time ago when I was still an impressionable young boy. I still remember that newspaper photo of him rising up over Howard Wood like the Dark Lord of Mordor.

(Caveat: I was too drunk for the UNC loss in 2000 to have really registered on me. At the beginning of the game, I was pissed off that I was a little too drunk to be following it well. By the end of that game, I was glad that the drink had numbed me to the collapse.)
It was just a simple movie reference. I understand what you're saying.

Who didn't rise up over Howard Wood?
It was just a simple movie reference. I understand what you're saying.

Who didn't rise up over Howard Wood?

I have a 2-year-old. My movie references these days are, alas, really limited. I haven't been in a movie theater since KILL BILL.

I really liked Howard Wood, but I was still in elementary school at the time so I didn't know much better. Watching Ralph Sampson toss him aside like a ragdoll on a 13" TV is one of the more depressing memories I have of the pre-glasnost Cold War era, believe it or not.
UNC was an 8 seed with a bunch of a-holes and Matt Doherty as their coach. This year's Ohio State team was everyone's (either them or Florida) pick to at least make the final, they have the #1 draft pick at center, and probably 4 first rounders in their starting 5. To have a chance at OSU and lose like they did is tough to take.

Honestly, I can't say which would hurt more for a die-hard Vol fan. If they win either game, they have a great chance at getting to the Final Four, but I think this team would have more potential than the 2000 team.
I decided to go to my local pub tonight and have a few pints. I thought that I would watch the first half and then go home to watch the second. Needless to say, although I am not normally a person who believes in magical thinking, I refused to change anything after the first half. I ended up watching the end of the game in what ended up being a roomful of OSU fans and people who had OSU in their brackets. UT was not very popular.

I paid my tab with five minutes left. When the game was over, I drained the last half of my pint and immediately stalked out while the OSU people were still screaming. On the way back to my car, I heard a random chick on the street crowing about how the Buckeyes had won. I had the abrupt urge to yank her down in the street and urinate in her face, but since she was surrounded by a bunch of beefy idiot-looking guys, I went on to my car. I turned off the radio as soon as I got in the car, because I didn't want to hear anything. Driving home, it was like somebody had kicked me in the stomach. I am running an NCAA pool but yet I don't want to watch any more of the games, either tomorrow or for the rest of the weekend. I just don't care anymore. Just let me read the antiseptic scores on the ticker and mark the sheets, but don't make me watch any of the games that Tennessee should have been in. The last thing I want to see is a sports page, dammit.

It was then that I recognized this feeling as exactly the same sort of kicked-in-the-balls feeling as LSU '01, Georgia '01, Florida '99, Alabama '05, etc. Losing sucks when you care. And it was then that I realized that really and truly, Tennessee basketball matters again.

Tonight sucks. But thank you, Bruce Pearl.

This is the perfect post to sum up any type of bad loss. Well said and brutally honest.
This loss has really broken my heart tho becuase i dont fell like Ohio State is really that good outside of Conley and Oden (which wasnt that much of a factor the whole game) they really just got the points wherever they had a chance so i really feel like we were supposed to win that game and it hurts to have been up 20 and not being able to put the game away... but thats happened to us a few times this season where we've been up big and finished poorly(Auburn, which went on a 20-3 run i believe to beat us by a couple points.... Kentucky in knoxville, even tho we won we were up 20 and they made a game of it.... we were up nearly 30 in knoxville against florida and they made a drastic comeback to pull within 6 at one point... and then tonight, so yea i am very dissappointed at UT right now i dont know if it is the inexperience to blame for this letdown or just the great play from OSU, but all i kno is im a little pisd right now and i really dont want to hear any excuses, maybe in the morning i'll be more understanding to this loss, but as of right now, and i speak for nearly all UT fans, i really dont wanna hear anything of why we lost we just should have won... and they do have promise for next season but the closest championship was just 3 games away if we had wonm who cares about next season right now...
You're absolutely right about there being a pattern of us not being able to put games away. If those UF and UK games had been 48 minutes instead of 40, we might have lost both. I just think it comes down to us not really having a viable alternative to three-pointers and buckets off turnovers. We CAN'T run out the clock, even when we need to.

If you want to draw a parallel to football, it's like having no running game. If we could have picked up even a few baskets by grinding it out down low -- especially with Oden out with foul trouble! -- then we win tonight. We couldn't, and we didn't.
Good post.

Great post. Sums up my feelings exactly. I have not been this upset about a UT loss, in ANY sport, in a very, very, very long time. Clearly, the pressure of the possibility of UT's first ever Elite 8 trip was weighing on them in the second half, and we all knew tOSU wasn't going to go down easy.

But still.... Ramar hits that first free throw...


I hate this, boys.
UT also missed a couple of lay-ups in the finals minutes. Can't do that in a close game against a No. 1 seed.
Great post. Sums up my feelings exactly. I have not been this upset about a UT loss, in ANY sport, in a very, very, very long time. Clearly, the pressure of the possibility of UT's first ever Elite 8 trip was weighing on them in the second half, and we all knew tOSU wasn't going to go down easy.

But still.... Ramar hits that first free throw...


I hate this, boys.

I was on the verge of tears (those that come when your so pissed your heads about to pop off) in the Florida (football) game last year, and the LSU game. I'd rather have an Arkansas ass beating than a blue ball teaser game lost in the last seconds. The closer games are the better they look in some twisted way but they are hell on my health.

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