Cutcliffe's Wizardry



Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2005
In case anyone is losing sleep over David Cutcliffe leaving Knoxville to head up the greatest football program in America, take a look at the following numbers. Our performance in the second halves of football games leads me to believe that defensive coordinators are able to figure old Cutcliffe out. We've been shut out in the second half three times this year. You can rag on the defense all you want, but if the offense can't keep them off the field in the fourth quarter, they are going to be really winded. I expect Cut's departure to result in not only improved second halves from the offense, but improved fourth quarters from the defense.

In the first section I've got the scores from each half of what I consider the major games (all the SEC games as well as Cal and Wisconsin). Below that are the other three games.

1st half - 2nd half

Cal: 21 - 10
UF: 13 - 0
UGA: 28 - 7
MSU: 17 - 16
Bam: 17 - 0
USC: 21 - 3, OT: 3
Ark: 20 - 7
UV: 10 - 17
UK: 24 - 7, OT: 21
LSU: 7 - 7
UW: 21 - 0

TOTAL: 199 - 74, about a 2.8:1 ratio.

If you include the minor games, it becomes a little closer, but still a 2:1 ratio.

SM: 17 - 20
ASU: 31 - 17
ULL: 17 - 21

OVERALL: 264 - 132
I have no idea what we were doing the second time we ran the "G-Gun". It just made no sense; especially on 3rd and 7.
Is the Florida stat correct? We're missing 3 points somewhere (I'm assuming the other 7 were not included because a defensive TD?).

That is interesting regardless... and today's game was a very good example in of itself.
In the 11 games that mattered most, we only scored more points in the 2nd half ONCE!

And in those 11, we scored 74 points, as KPT points. That's LESS THAN A TOUCHDOWN on average in the 2nd half.

That's awful. Thanks for putting this out there.
Yeah, it did seem like during the year we would come out smoking and hold on for dear life. Could it be we had a very good game plan coming in but made no adjustments in the second half? Outcoached by defensive coordinators in the second half.
we either stopped running the ball or we didn't make adjustments to a changing defense in the run game in the second half of some of those games.
I think it also points to the fact that though we weren't as bad as in 2006, this team still wasn't very physical and couldn't consistently run the ball and get the tough yards we needed to keep the offense on the field. Thus we further exposed a suspect defense.
I never really noticed until the past few years just how bad we are in the 2nd half. I think we actually play to keep from losing most of the time instead of playing to win and beat the other team.
It's top 1 for me, but I think the Mora "playoffs" and Herm "you play to win the game" are right there with it.

*slaps thighs with hands*

"You don't play to just play."
also a pretty good indicator that as crunch time draws nigh, we play closer and closer to the vest.
to watch Fulmerball. I wish Mike Hamilton would give him 6 months to correct this or else.:furious3::realmad::furious3::realmad::furious3:
I never really noticed until the past few years just how bad we are in the 2nd half. I think we actually play to keep from losing most of the time instead of playing to win and beat the other team.

We were a better 2nd half team last year, both O and D, at least in SEC games.

1st half - 101
2nd half - 71

1st Half - 87
2nd Half - 125
to watch Fulmerball. I wish Mike Hamilton would give him 6 months to correct this or else.:furious3::realmad::furious3::realmad::furious3:

Sorry, but to give the 2nd highest winning pct. coach in NCAA history among active coaches an ultimatum like that would be futile. Hamilton owes Fulmer for his cushy little seat and will do no such thing. Fulmer has improved his win total by 5 games over the 05' season. We all want more, but I think most of us realize that Fulmer is content with 10 wins a season. I want him to win another NC before he leaves, but unless he hires the right OC, he will be out the door with the OC he hires in 2 years if he goofs the hire up.
Sorry, but to give the 2nd highest winning pct. coach in NCAA history among active coaches an ultimatum like that would be futile. Hamilton owes Fulmer for his cushy little seat and will do no such thing. Fulmer has improved his win total by 5 games over the 05' season. We all want more, but I think most of us realize that Fulmer is content with 10 wins a season. I want him to win another NC before he leaves, but unless he hires the right OC, he will be out the door with the OC he hires in 2 years if he goofs the hire up.
and UT is going to end up in the top 12 at the very least...not too shabby.

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