Stan Drayton confirmed as RB coach (merged)



Jul 8, 2005
According to Volquest Stan Dayton, Runningbacks coach for Florida, is a candidate for the job. Anyone know anything about him? I hope he is one heck of a coach because if we are going to take a Gator he better be good. Maybe though (fingers-crossed) he will be bring the spread or a variation of it with him from Florida if we get him.
ya i dont want a guy who coaches a position that is virtually non existant on his team to take over our offense...sorry
ya i dont want a guy who coaches a position that is virtually non existant on his team to take over our offense...sorry

I doubt that it's his problem that UF chooses to not run the ball with a true RB. Also, I don't think he's a candidate for OC, rather for RB coach.
I'd say it's a lot easier to be a good recruiter at Florida than at Tennessee. Most of their recruits are instate....they have won a NC this decade....they're media darlings...they use an offense that attracts playmakers. Did I leave anything out?
I'd say it's a lot easier to be a good recruiter at Florida than at Tennessee. Most of their recruits are instate....they have won a NC this decade....they're media darlings...they use an offense that attracts playmakers. Did I leave anything out?
We have won a National Championship this decade to.....
In the past 10 years, yes. In the decade of the 2000's, no.

Well, we haven't technically had a decade in the 2000's...our crystal football is getting dusty, but it's still from within the past decade.

National Championships are tough...I don't really mind that it's been 9 years and counting since the last National Title....what bothers me is that it's been just as long since our last SEC Championship. Tennessee should never have a decade in between conference championships.
Hubbs story was freshly posted when I posted this and it is now said that he is a potential runningbacks coach not OC. It was a typo and it has since been edited. Too bad but I hope we can get this guy as a good recruiter.
Fulmer needs to offer him something more then a lateral move. IMO he's got a lot more job security working for Meyer, then perennial hot seat candidate Fulmer. Either more money, responsibility, etc.
My fault, I was under the assumption that a decade meant 10 years. Was not aware that 2000-2008 was a decade. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

It's really irrelevant. But what is relevant is that with the direction this program seems headed, we won't see another NC for another 40 years. Plenty of 8-10 win seasons, just no NC.

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