I hate Dan Werner



Former Pride Member
Feb 7, 2007
What a punk.

The only thing redeeming about him is that whatever he did to Tyler helped us win the game. Tyler manhandled him on JaJuan's missed FT at the end, and Werner was desperate and sad when he charged over JaJuan.

That in addition to the dirty way he plays and the attitude he has (tonight and in the game in Knoxville when he gave JP a cheap shot) is just another reason to hate Florida.

Do Florida fans like this guy, or do they see him for what he is?
I was gonna start a thread like this and hoped that it would stay on here for the remaining years he is at florida... He is a dirty player and one day someone is either gonna knock him out or he will be suspended for a couple of games for hurting someone
Well, he can enjoy being a thug in the NIT. Maybe the Gators can hang a third straight banner after all. :lolabove:
I'm sick of his cheap shots. He's going to end up like Joakim if he continues. Tyler just might drop some elbows on him.
I'm pretty sure he pissed his pants when Tyler STARED him down. At least I did.
My team would have no place for idiots like him. I don't care how good he may or may not be.

If you can't play with class and respect then you don't deserve to be out on the court.
He's the kind of guy you love to have on your team, but if he's not you hate him.

Is that a joke? He gets in fights, and mainly he just sucks a basketball. Don't argue that he's a good player based on tonight. No one could miss for a while on their team. And he's a very average player on a very average team

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