Total lack of respect and discipline (RUMOR)



Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2008
One of my close friends was on the TN sideline for the TN bama game and I was pretty suprised about some of the stuff that went on and I think that it just shows what kind of disarray this program is in:

-one thing was a certain QB was seen laughing when we threw incomplete passes
-a certain O-Lineman was heard telling CPF "That is what I did, I dont want to hear that [expletives deleted] After CPF was trying to explain something to him as he came off the field. and just stomped away from him. I know heat of the battle and all that but you do not talk to your head coach like that. big game or not if that was me he would of road the pine for the rest of game.
-D-line and O-line heard whining and complaining about Bama's line playing dirty. Man up your in the trenches and punish somebody for playing dirty
-General laughter and a non caring attitude from quite a few players on the sideline some of them starters.
-Players cursing and name calling CPF on sideline.

I read something about CPF saying how he had support from his players and such, but I already knew what went on on the sideline so i don't think he has very much support from his players and alot of them obviously don't show any respect. To me that just shows how deep this problem is.

I support a coaching change but I also appreciate the good things that happened under CPF tenure. I look at this and understand that CPF has allowed this type of behaviour from his players but I am still disgusted about the lack of respect that they displayed and to me that helps explain why we get out hussled and out played on the field.
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I find your post the most creditable of all the rumors going on right now. You chose the person screen name that instills confidence and trust in your opinion. Welcome.

^^ Sarcasm
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Pretty much to be expected. I've said all along that this team is not very deep in poise and discipline. For the players to take their anger out on the coach is pretty reasonable, they are a product of the coaches.
I believe it and I'm not the least bit surprised by it. It's probably going to get uglier with each passing Saturday until the deed is done.
The lack of discipline is obvious, when the camera men catch players on the sideline laughing while losing to bama is pretty ridiculous.and as for that certain QB laughing, it sure wouldn't hurt my feelings is he lost his scholarship, he wont ever go anywhere else anyways. CPF needs to get it together, however about the disrespect towards him is because of the lack of respect and confidence they show for him. It isn't clawson, CPF blamed the losinglast year on the OC, and now clawson. CPF has run his course he needs to get out now while his carreer can still be seen as a success(yes i said success) it time for some change at tennessee and i think its going to come sooner rather than later!
Gimme a break. Can we call a no "I heard from someone" posts. This is getting really old. I heard from a friend of mine/reliable source/inside program source/grad assistant/big booster that the post above was a bunch of BS.
I'm sick of it. It's all this board has been lately - someone who knows someone on the sideline/inside the athletic dept./that washes Nick Stephens' shorts.... Here's a tip. If you think you know something that's substantiated, blab it to a newspaper. People on a message board are just gonna make fun of you. We'll read about it after the paper publishes your "breaking news".
But the point of this thread wasn't a rumor about a coaching change, it was to point out how TN acts on the sideline during the most important game of the season. I have no reason to believe any of the things stated are not true. I expect it, I guess. I mean is it so far fetched that we have to call it false just because the guy heard it from a friend who was on the sideline? I don't know, it's not like any of the things he listed should surprise any of us. It's far more credible than any of these ridiculous coaching rumors...just my opinion, nothing more.
someone called in on the John and Jimmy show on sports talk and kind of mentioned the the incident with the O-lineman and CPF but they mentioned Anthony Parker and that was wrong it was McClendon. My friend does not work for UT he was on the sideline working the game. I was at the game and we were there tailgating before the game so this is not rumours about who the next coach is or what booster is saying what this is what happened I don't really care if you believe me or not I was posting this to help show what kind of disarray this program is in.
We are certainly lacking on examples on how this program is falling apart. Just kidding. I do find it hard to believe a player would use the F word when talking with CPF other then to use his last name.
We are certainly lacking on examples on how this program is falling apart. Just kidding. I do find it hard to believe a player would use the F word when talking with CPF other then to use his last name.
I also have a hard time believing the player calling CPF that even in the heat of a game. Of course when you think about it though, a disrespectful player like that if true would seem to fit, because it does seem the players certainly don't fear or respect him. Players would would use that lanquage to the head football coach would certainly fall in line with players that underacheive and are for all intent and purposes uncoachable. The product on the field screams it.
I also have a hard time believing the player calling CPF that even in the heat of a game. Of course when you think about it though, a disrespectful player like that if true would seem to fit, because it does seem the players certainly don't fear or respect him. Players would would use that lanquage to the head football coach would certainly fall in line with players that underacheive and are for all intent and purposes uncoachable. The product on the field screams it.

I don't as much have a problem believing that it happened as I do the fact that the dude didn't turn up on the injury report after Fulmer tore him a new a-hole. I don't think the coach would take that very kindly at all. This is all BS.
The OP is one of most idiotic I have seen on here.

Beat me to it.

If I were going to create an account and make up a bunch of BS, I would at least have pretended that I was the one on the sideline to eliminate the hearsay objections.

This guy is a fool.
I dont get why its so hard to believe that our team is this undisciplined. I've thought it all year....what gives?
Beat me to it.

If I were going to create an account and make up a bunch of BS, I would at least have pretended that I was the one on the sideline to eliminate the hearsay objections.

This guy is a fool.

Go look at my other posts. I did not create an account to make up a bunch of BS. I think this is actually pretty comical that so many people on here think that I made this up and are so quick to crack jokes and call me a liar. I was trying to pass on info that I had not seen discussed on this board (which is what I thought message boards were for). I guess I could have started a thread on "what coaches on your list" or "what if we go 6-6 with a bowl win" and then everybody could give the same response they gave to the other 200 threads with the same title.
I could tell you about the Kentucky game a couple of years ago that my "friend" was working and the string of profantity that came out of CPF's mouth before the game because his headset was not working and how he threw it on the ground or how berated a receiver who came off the field and told the receiver to "pull his head out of his ass" but I guess i just made that up too.
Go look at my other posts. I did not create an account to make up a bunch of BS. I think this is actually pretty comical that so many people on here think that I made this up and are so quick to crack jokes and call me a liar. I was trying to pass on info that I had not seen discussed on this board (which is what I thought message boards were for). I guess I could have started a thread on "what coaches on your list" or "what if we go 6-6 with a bowl win" and then everybody could give the same response they gave to the other 200 threads with the same title.
I could tell you about the Kentucky game a couple of years ago that my "friend" was working and the string of profantity that came out of CPF's mouth before the game because his headset was not working and how he threw it on the ground or how berated a receiver who came off the field and told the receiver to "pull his head out of his ass" but I guess i just made that up too.

You know, there is nothing about anything you've said in this thread that's hard for me to believe. Why wouldn't it be true? It's pretty evident our team has no discipline. Something about this just screams truth to me. That's my opinion at least.
Yeah, because it just adds more evidence to the Fulmer arguments if its true.

Not sure why you think I need more evidence. I personally know where I stand on the issue. I just can't read the original post and think ''that's all lies". The product on the field screams that at least some of these things are true. I know it's hearsay...but it's not nearly as farfetched as most of the threads on this board where so and so bought a house and someone's friend who's a booster heard we were talking to him and we tracked the UT plane and saw it go wherever and they must be there to talk to whomever and Butch Davis, Jon Gruden, Bill Cowher...blah blah blah, you know?

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