
It is a secured frequency so no one can copy it. Problem is it is one frequency and if it gets messed up, you are messed up. It can be reprogrammed but it is not easy and can't be done during a game. I doubt there has ever been a reason to put a finding device on it. Until now.

Reminds me of that player who dropped the sign card at home plate and the opposing catcher pocketed it in the MLB. Happened a few years ago

Yep that’s exactly what I thought of us well I’m pretty sure it played out the exact same way as well. Toronto asked for it back and Tampa said no.
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Just **** can all these fancy devices. The head set that is a distraction for pitchers.The massive belt buckle thing teams wear.
I know all that stuff would have been a distraction for me.
For 150 years the game was fine with hand signals. I enjoy watching the coach send in the signals.
Now if we feel the need for electronic devices, go to a ball and strike zone box. The correct call can be given to the umpire via a earpiece.He can then make the call and put on his " show"..

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