I only ever felt the 1990 additions clicked after a bit. The 2012 schools never did. But you know what? Outside of A&M, they were humble enough and didn't consider themselves God's gift to college sports.

Texas and Oklahoma though, they're already getting gump-tier pedestals to stand on. That little SWC + Big 8 pocket out west will be obnoxious.
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I don't mind expansion, but I DO mind not maintaining regional integrity! As I've said countless times before, any school that is not east of the Mississippi River and south of the Mason-Dixon line has NO BUSINESS being in the SEC! That means Arkansas, that means Missouri, that means Texas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma! I'd gladly trade those schools for FSU, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, and Virginia Tech.
I don't mind expansion, but I DO mind not maintaining regional integrity! As I've said countless times before, any school that is not east of the Mississippi River and south of the Mason-Dixon line has NO BUSINESS being in the SEC! That means Arkansas, that means Missouri, that means Texas, Texas A&M, and Oklahoma! I'd gladly trade those schools for FSU, Miami, Clemson, North Carolina, NC State, Virginia, and Virginia Tech.

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