Hunter Ensley made baseball history

westwords Tennessee baseball, a week later … so much has happened … coach-of-the-year Tony V is now the face of the college game … TV talker Greg McElroy ripped Vitello antics as embarrassing, like a WWE character, no class … McElroy repented and may have been baptized. Great read by Marvin West!
Can someone post a still photo of that amazing Hunter Hensley slide into home plate? WOW! :cool:
Another heartwarming story about Hunter....... At the SECCG in Hoover, I sat next to a family of 5 that had come in from Memphis. THe oldest boy's favorite player is Hunter Ensley. The dad took his to meet hunter before the game and Hunter gave him his batting gloves.

Hunter had a tough tournament up to that point. I told the kid and his dad that by doing a good deed, I thought Hunter was going to have a good game. He was due and I know he had to be frustrated. Hunter ended up going 4 for 4 with an RBI and a stolen base. The kid was pumped, as was I.
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Does anybody know if Hunter played receiver or running back in high school?

When I saw the first slow-mo replay, what stood out to me was the way he stuck his right foot into the ground, at full speed, to make that cut over to the left side of the plate. Certainly an athletic move, but one we most often see in football.

(...okay, or soccer.)

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