How many championships to get Tony Vitello statue?

Saban‘s statue looks creepy. Would the university want a Tony V statue if he wins more national championships?

I hate the way other schools do statues for specific people way too soon.

I really believe statues should be moments rather than people if at all possible (when it comes to sports). And a national championship deserves one.

For this team, I'd either say Ensley's slide or Kirby after his 2nd strikeout in the 8th should be immortalized.
One is more than enough for the piece of metal…if not his personal drive. Fulmer has one and Barnes will end up with one even if he never crosses that finish line. Tony is already the greatest skipper in program history…it’s a waiting game.
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Yep and by turning down LSU. Texas and A&M, he's proven he's a VFL. He can never win another championship and I'll still want him here.
The battle now is against complacency. Belichek/Brady, Saban, Bertman, Wooden, Yankees. Very few. Kirby Smart is currently in the forge.
The battle now is against complacency. Belichek/Brady, Saban, Bertman, Wooden, Yankees. Very few. Kirby Smart is currently in the forge.
This guy appears to only have one speed and that's full go.
He's addicted to the adrenilene rush. I don't think he's capable of complacency.
The battle now is against complacency. Belichek/Brady, Saban, Bertman, Wooden, Yankees. Very few. Kirby Smart is currently in the forge.
I’d use the example of his dad. Coached way longer (successfully) on a much smaller stage and still looks emotional about the sport today. Belichick had his dad as an example…teaching football to his last breath. These types emulate what they’ve always seen.
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