Need some help…son goes to OU



Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2023
We talk a lot of 💩

I raised him to be a Vols fan and we hugged and screamed when we beat Bama couple years ago as he was looking at collages. He ended up at OU (we are from Wisconsin)

He likes to trash me on all things OU vs UT historically.

I was born and raised in Indiana and have lived in Wisconsin the rest of my life but (long story) been a UT fan since I was 10.

I finally googled and realized we have 6 National Titles all time? I thought we had three shows what I know. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I knew we were top 10 all time in wins. I knew OU had more all time wins. My son and I agree that Bowl Wins we are basically a push.

Am I missing anything else?

Help me beat my son off. We are headed as a family to Norman next week to see the game with my son who will be decked out in OU. He still pulls for UT minus if they play. My wife is wearing OU (I might divorce), my daughter is a junior in HS and doesn’t want any college guy to look down on her so she’s going OU. THANK GOD my 7th grade son who plays FB said “oh dad I’m wearing my Nico jersey and I’m singing Rocky Top with YOU! We have tickets by the UT section.

Feed me info.
We talk a lot of 💩

I raised him to be a Vols fan and we hugged and screamed when we beat Bama couple years ago as he was looking at collages. He ended up at OU (we are from Wisconsin)

He likes to trash me on all things OU vs UT historically.

I was born and raised in Indiana and have lived in Wisconsin the rest of my life but (long story) been a UT fan since I was 10.

I finally googled and realized we have 6 National Titles all time? I thought we had three shows what I know. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I knew we were top 10 all time in wins. I knew OU had more all time wins. My son and I agree that Bowl Wins we are basically a push.

Am I missing anything else?

Help me beat my son off. We are headed as a family to Norman next week to see the game with my son who will be decked out in OU. He still pulls for UT minus if they play. My wife is wearing OU (I might divorce), my daughter is a junior in HS and doesn’t want any college guy to look down on her so she’s going OU. THANK GOD my 7th grade son who plays FB said “oh dad I’m wearing my Nico jersey and I’m singing Rocky Top with YOU! We have tickets by the UT section.

Feed me info.
The team will do your trash talking for you on the field, he’ll be pretty quiet by half time.
Also…nah, I’m not even gonna pile on that 😂
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I swear to GOD this board…you gotta review any post you make word by word, and look at any angle because you bastatds can find anything angle someone who’s rushing might make.

Ya’ll are sharp as a tack! 😂 lmao 🤣
You're lucky I didn't take this to the End Zone. We have a whole thread for such things 🤣
It’s surprisingly easy - they won all those games and titles and Heismans playing in a two team conference for a hundred years.
If they switched with UT, our record in that league would be much greater than theirs, and their record in the SEC would be much worse than ours.
Said differently, they should be honored to carry UT’s luggage.
They are about to become Texas aTm - at best. Probably wind up like Nebraska.
It’s surprisingly easy - they won all those games and titles and Heismans playing in a two team conference for a hundred years.
If they switched with UT, our record in that league would be much greater than theirs, and their record in the SEC would be much worse than ours.
Said differently, they should be honored to carry UT’s luggage.
They are about to become Texas aTm - at best. Probably wind up like Nebraska.
This is good 💩
If you cannot raise your son to cheer for the right team…idk man.
So little context, my son got a perfect score on his ACT first try. He’s a “jock” but very borderline brilliant. He could go to any Ivy League but he wants to be an ER Surgeon, already has his EMT license this summer after frosh year, and knows this is his path.

He wanted a school with a historical football and or basketball program to root for and be a fanatic of, but also with that the highest ranked medical program he could find AND best financial situation.

OU ranked higher thank UT ( we visited and I PRESSED HARD), but OU offered more scholarship money BY FAR of any school. He’s almost free for four years. So I can’t fault him.


He’s now gone all in on OU anything and he knows I’m not backing down from UT. So it’s game ON. 😈

My wife is the middle man trying to get us to calm down, she KNOWS football and follows both but is more NFL ans fantasy football. She is wearing OU to the game cuz “we do send some money to them and MY son goes there sorry husband.”

I’ve been BETRAYED!!!! By wife and son.

Thank GOD my youngest son says “I got your back dad…and Nico’s!” 😈
So little context, my son got a perfect score on his ACT first try. He’s a “jock” but very borderline brilliant. He could go to any Ivy League but he wants to be an ER Surgeon, already has his EMT license this summer after frosh year, and knows this is his path.

He wanted a school with a historical football and or basketball program to root for and be a fanatic of, but also with that the highest ranked medical program he could find AND best financial situation.

OU ranked higher thank UT ( we visited and I PRESSED HARD), but OU offered more scholarship money BY FAR of any school. He’s almost free for four years. So I can’t fault him.


He’s now gone all in on OU anything and he knows I’m not backing down from UT. So it’s game ON. 😈

My wife is the middle man trying to get us to calm down, she KNOWS football and follows both but is more NFL ans fantasy football. She is wearing OU to the game cuz “we do send some money to them and MY son goes there sorry husband.”

I’ve been BETRAYED!!!! By wife and son.

Thank GOD my youngest son says “I got your back dad…and Nico’s!” 😈
Mama’s will stick with their son (from a mama’s perspective).
So little context, my son got a perfect score on his ACT first try. He’s a “jock” but very borderline brilliant. He could go to any Ivy League but he wants to be an ER Surgeon, already has his EMT license this summer after frosh year, and knows this is his path.

He wanted a school with a historical football and or basketball program to root for and be a fanatic of, but also with that the highest ranked medical program he could find AND best financial situation.

OU ranked higher thank UT ( we visited and I PRESSED HARD), but OU offered more scholarship money BY FAR of any school. He’s almost free for four years. So I can’t fault him.


He’s now gone all in on OU anything and he knows I’m not backing down from UT. So it’s game ON. 😈

My wife is the middle man trying to get us to calm down, she KNOWS football and follows both but is more NFL ans fantasy football. She is wearing OU to the game cuz “we do send some money to them and MY son goes there sorry husband.”

I’ve been BETRAYED!!!! By wife and son.

Thank GOD my youngest son says “I got your back dad…and Nico’s!” 😈
As a parent of a few kids myself, you can give them all the answers in the world but you can’t make the decisions for them. It’s maddening at times.
So little context, my son got a perfect score on his ACT first try. He’s a “jock” but very borderline brilliant. He could go to any Ivy League but he wants to be an ER Surgeon, already has his EMT license this summer after frosh year, and knows this is his path.

He wanted a school with a historical football and or basketball program to root for and be a fanatic of, but also with that the highest ranked medical program he could find AND best financial situation.

OU ranked higher thank UT ( we visited and I PRESSED HARD), but OU offered more scholarship money BY FAR of any school. He’s almost free for four years. So I can’t fault him.


He’s now gone all in on OU anything and he knows I’m not backing down from UT. So it’s game ON. 😈

My wife is the middle man trying to get us to calm down, she KNOWS football and follows both but is more NFL ans fantasy football. She is wearing OU to the game cuz “we do send some money to them and MY son goes there sorry husband.”

I’ve been BETRAYED!!!! By wife and son.

Thank GOD my youngest son says “I got your back dad…and Nico’s!” 😈
As long as he avoids ANY/ALL Ivy schools, you're in good shape.
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