Gameday OKC



New Member
Aug 15, 2009
Does anyone have an info sheet for those of us going to the game that includes things such as location for the call in show, time the team will arrive and location, etc. Thanks!
Does anyone have an info sheet for those of us going to the game that includes things such as location for the call in show, time the team will arrive and location, etc. Thanks!
If OKC means Oklahoma City, you be going to the wrong city. The place you need info for is Norman, Oklahoma

2 post since 2009, a fan of great restraints

Yep.......and reading 3 & 4 I'm thankful it's only 2........seems like a real fun party guy. (By party guy I mean the tag-along with a temper that winds up getting your group into a bar fight......everytime.)
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taking no chances with posters who have lawdog in their handle

Yeah.........I saw that......certainly hoping its not the profession I think it is. Gives us all a bad bad apple sorta deal.....but, I also work with probably 20-25 of them (out of about a 1000 sworn agency) that have that attitude and it gets super old quick. Pretty sure it stems from their intimate knowledge of their old high school lockers, which toilet water is the cleanest, and what routes to take home from school..........but it definitely paints the majority in a bad light and thats what a lot of the public focuses on.
Yeah.........I saw that......certainly hoping its not the profession I think it is. Gives us all a bad bad apple sorta deal.....but, I also work with probably 20-25 of them (out of about a 1000 sworn agency) that have that attitude and it gets super old quick. Pretty sure it stems from their intimate knowledge of their old high school lockers, which toilet water is the cleanest, and what routes to take home from school..........but it definitely paints the majority in a bad light and thats what a lot of the public focuses on.
  • Why did God invent lawyers?
    So that used car salesmen would have someone to look down on.
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She swears up and down that Blake cheated on her with Gwen.
Why not...Blake cheated on his 1st wife with Miranda when they did their TV Special Duo of "You're the Reason God Made Oklahoma"...

BTW...N O B O D Y can do that song like David Frizzell & Shelly West!

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