Herbstreit on Flopping

IMHO this could/should be one of the plays that earns a personal foul flag..To determine what flopping is will be tough but the OBVIOUS flops should be a penalty..And video review could be a tool they use to determine intent..Just like targeting....
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Not severe enough. More like a quarter. Now if someone gets injured on an extra point try, that's just fine by me. No penalty for that.😇

Not severe enough. More like a quarter. Now if someone gets injured on a extra point try, that's just fine by me. No penalty for that.😇

Can’t be based on QTR. what if flop occurs :10 in QTR.

Needs to be play count.
I think it should be like this. The first time you are injured on the field, you are out for the next 10 plays (whether it’s your team’s offense or defense…10 total plays). The 2nd time, you are out for the rest of the game. And finally, after the game, suspected fake injuries are reviewed, and if it’s an obvious fake injury like last night, the team is fines and that player is suspended for the full next game.
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This needs a solution. Maybe the player with injury must sit out 5 plays?
I think if they have to stop play then you sit the rest of the quarter (for player safety evaluation) or until a timeout is taken. You need a way to get important players back in the game that really are dinged up. That's a pretty fair compromise.
This needs a solution. Maybe the player with injury must sit out 5 plays?
There needs to be a standard rule that any player injured needs to sit out 10 minutes or the remainder of the existing quarter, which ever is greater. That would also contribute to player safety and keep players from being returned to the field too early after injury.
Terry is a former Vol too. He knew exactly what he was doing and how much it impacted that drive. Glad he left UT.
I think it should simply be that the “injured” player sits out the remainder of the drive. It’s not a long amount of time, but it does deter the faking of injuries. X-amount of plays or time is too much to properly keep up with to be consistently & accurately enforceable.
This is the way to go. And I think it should only account for injuries that stop play. If you get the wind knocked out of you and are able to get to the sidelines and have a sub come in, you’re good.
It would be an easy penalty to enforce. They kept looking to the sideline for the nod and then they would flop. Not difficult to see when it’s being done on purpose.
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