My Thoughts on the Oklahoma Game, After Sleeping on it



Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2007
Normally, I wait until I've re-watched the game to post these, but I've pnly watched it live at this point. I reserve the right to change my mind about any of these thoughts upon re-watch or add thoughts later.

First of all, we have some fans on social media complaining about the conservative play-calling in the 2nd half. That's ludicrous. Josh Heupel called the 2nd half to win. He didn't trust his 2 backup OTs to pass protect (because, well, they hadn't....and they'd already caused 2 fumbles on blindside hits) and that field was a mess. The SEC needs to tell OU to fix that crap. So his choice was: 1) Keep an attacking style of offensive play-calling in the 2nd half which might score more points, but could very well lead to turnovers...which at that point was OU's only path to victory; or 2) Trust the defense to win the game if we ran clock on offense. the defense or trust the Oline. Pretty sure he made the right choice. Good to see a mature coach who can adapt in-game and do what needs to be done to win with various styles of play.

My thoughts:

-Nico wasn't great. He wasn't bad, but he wasn't great. And that's fine. He saw things from a great defensive mind that he had not seen before and he will learn more from this game than any he's played in. And now he has an off week to practice and instill what he experienced. But he still made plays. The TD throw was an elite throw. He made plays with his legs, including the game-sealing first down. He'll play better, but he was good enough.

-The RBs were way better than their stats. The Oline didn't give them much and they made way more out of what they were given. Sampson's TD is a great example.

-That might be the best defensive line performance I've ever seen in a big game for Tennessee. They were DOMINANT. The thing that sticks out most was seeing the depth of the DLine make plays. Jaxon Moi, Jayson Jenkins, Joshua Josephs, Tyre West...all non-starters who made huge plays. We're going to be good on the DL again next year too.

-Pili and Carter are studs. I can't believe how fast Pili is for his size. Carter is becoming one of the better LBs in the SEC. He'll play on Sundays.

-The secondary is better than any of us thought. McCoy and Gibson are the best CB tandem since I don't know when. Christian Harrison isn't just a place holder for Boo....he's a player. And he made plays last night. I love Jakobe Thomas. I think he's our best Safety, including Turrentine. There's a lot of value in having a safety who is willing to turn his body into a missile. He looks like an NFL safety to me. Much of the coverage issues in the past 3 years were also on the LBs. This year's group is just better in pass al levels.

-The offensive line wasn't good. Having to play down both OTs completely changed our offense. This should be the last year we're that lacking in depth, but we really need Heard and Campbell to stay healthy. The good news is, Campbell came back a bit before leaving and looked okay. I'm guessing they were managing his health for the long term. Both should be fine in 2 weeks. But OU's Dline still manhandled our OLine, including the interior. Some of that has to do with scheme. They loaded the box and brought a ton of pressure. This unit needs to get healthy and get better. It might be too much to ask, but it would be nice to see some depth develop over the bye week. When/if Umarov gets healthy soon, I wonder if he could play some OT?

-Related to OU's scheme, that was a new tactic from a great defensive mind. Instead of keeping everything in front of them, they brought constant pressure from everywhere and loaded the box. Long term, that will be good for Tennessee. Heupel and Nico saw things that hadn't been thrown at them before. That's now on film. They have an off week to digest and come up with a counter-attack. We have one of the best offensive minds in football as our head coach, so he will find solutions. But the thing that stuck out to me...the announcers said Venables had been preparing for Tennessee since January. That's one of the best defensive minds of this century preparing for our offense the entire off-season. Then he's given a gift when both OTs are injured. Tennessee won anyway.

-Hard to comment on the WRs because I wasn't there and didn't see their separation. Seemed like they may not have gotten separation at times. But here's my biggest question...where is Squirrel this year? Normally, the slot EATS in this offense. This year, Squirrel isn't getting near the targets a slot normally gets, at least not down the field. It'll be interesting to see if that continues.

-Isn't it nice to have a kicker who is almost automatic?

-We played a lot of players on defense. I noted the DLine, but we rotated LBs. We rotated Safeties (Charles played and played well at Safety). Harrison and Boo rotated. I saw Telander and Spillman in at LB. This has been a criticism of this staff the last few years....glad to see them playing more dudes now. It's because, I assume, they trust more dudes.

Overall, great win. We got another monkey off our backs (first road top 15 win since 2006), which keeps happening under Heupel. We won on the road in a hostile environment against a good team with a fan base that was hyped for its first SEC game and a coaching staff that had targeted this game in its preparation since January. And while they scored at the end and made us sweat for just a moment, we controlled the game throughout. On to bye week, then on to Arkansas.
- Nico had high highs: TD pass, deep pass to Bru and some low lows: both fumbles weren’t 100% his fault but he needs to feel the pocket collapsing better

- RBs did what they could with two OTs out and us telegraphing the run up the middle on first down against a stacked box.

- OL needs to improve. Specifically LG and backup OT which we knew were our weak points going into the season. Still would love for a young guy like Sham to step up

- Squirrel looks like he’s playing at 75% speed. Brazzell is kinda lacking from a physicality stand point and is getting pushed around sometimes. But Bru and Thornton and the TEs have been doing well and capitalizing on their touches.

- Defense is playing well at all levels but one thing of note is that we have been so successful with a 4 man rush this year that when we actually blitz it’s generating great pressure and TFLs. DBs only had one bad drive giving up the two chunk plays on the late TD drive but ultimately think that falls on softer defensive playcalling late in a multi possession game.

- Also having a punter that can pin the opposing offense back up against their own endzone with a defensive front like ours is how Iowa survived some of the worst offenses in history. Excited to see if Ross can keep it up
The running backs were the warriors of this game. Every yard was hard earned. Bishop played tough hard nosed football for a freshman with no fumbles. Sampson carries the ball 6 times in a row for that last score. That was a grown man series with OU loading the box on every play.
...the thing that stuck out to me...the announcers said Venables had been preparing for Tennessee since January. That's one of the best defensive minds of this century preparing for our offense the entire off-season. Then he's given a gift when both OTs are injured. Tennessee won anyway.

Nice write-up, Nighthawk.

That bit I quoted, that's the takeaway of the game, I think. Appreciate it.

Go Vols!
Penalties played a huge part in helping to stop some drives. Linemen have to stay away from the helmet and neck area when blocking. We had a big played called back for holding.
Squirrel needs to be targeted early on to get him more involved and focused and then I think he'll come alive and get rolling.

Maybe he's feeling a bit left out and that's causing him to put in a little less effort than he normally does.

If those things don't work then he will be replaced and we'd all hate to see that happen to him.

I hope he really takes off and gets rolling because he can become a game changer and that will also help open up our other guys too.

Nico's internal clock , while in the pocket has to improve and it will with experience .
It will. With a clean pocket he's proven to be a surgeon.

Need to get the O Line sorted, and I think they will. Nico has 5 starts now. I'm very optimistic on the future.

I also think Squirrel will get on track. Every receiver has the same issue, there's a lot of good receivers on this team, and the team wants to run first lol.
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Agree wholeheartedly on the corner play. McCoy is a dude. I’m very high on Gibson, but man, imagine if Hadden had another year and we had him on one side with McCoy on the other and Gibson as the first guy off the bench.

Four games in now. The window of opportunity for an opposing team to “expose” our young secondary is closing. They will only get better.
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Dayne Davis had a really bad game on to many plays yesterday. The total line did not play as well as expected. Davis missed to many blocks he should've made.
Me and others have pointed out in previous weeks that the o line has been suspect. Last night wasn't surprising, but it is a major concern going into the meat of the schedule.
That pisspoor field, some very questionable calls and a makeshift offensive line held Tennessee back from being up 42-3 instead of only that "meager" 22-3 lead we had before we went all prevent on 'em. Great conference road win over a top 15 opponent at night in the spotlight. GoVols. 🍊
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Great analysis. I think the conservative play calling was a result of a lot of different factors, most of which you point out, but ones things for sure, we can’t take the foot off the gas against teams with an offensive pulse.

The defense though - man, those are some men. Bright future indeed. Banks, for all the crap he’s taken (both deserved and undeserved) is feasting now that he’s got his system in place.
The only ? We now have on this team in my opinion is the O line. This game no longer has me questioning the legitimacy of our secondary or D in general. If the Oline can’t stay healthy we go from a playoff team to a non playoff team.
Great write up. Super stoked for the win.

The conservative play calling bummed me out a bit but I know it was the right decision. I guess I was just excited to see Nico get some work in a tough matchup. Wish we could have gotten him a few different looks before the rest of the SEC but a Dub is Norman is certainly priority.

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