Any trap games?



Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2016
Edited due to mistake I made:
The Vols winning against OU was crucial to our season’s success and overall outlook. Out of all the teams we should beat, who do you see as the most viable threat on our schedule?

For me, it’s Arkansas. Even though they’re ranked, I believe we should beat them. However, if we sleepwalk through that game, it could turn into an upset.

And yes, I’m aware that sleepwalking against any team can lead to a loss, especially in college football and even more so in the SEC. But generally speaking, we should beat everyone else on our calendar outside of Alabama and Georgia. That said, even those teams are beatable for us.

What’s your take on our biggest potential stumbling block this season? Would you say Arkansas, or do you see another team as a greater threat?
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In the SEC... every game is a trap game. Look even Vandy is putting up a fight every week but can't finish . Fla can play old retired folks and still have our number. SC took us down 2 years ago. We just need to bring it every week.. Take care of business.

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