Danny White "exploring all options" to expand Neyland capacity



Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2009

I haven't seen any conversations about this so figured I would share.

I haven't seen any talk of increased seating capacity in a long, long time. I figured we were past that phase of Neyland Stadium's development, but with 15,000 people on the waiting list and demand for tickets extremely high I suppose it makes sense.

What could this look like? I can't see them adding more traditional seating capacity or a third concourse like that one ai meme images that always circulates, but maybe expanded skyboxes the length of the field? This would be similar to what Michigan did at the big house several years ago.
I don't know, but if they build that new entertainment complex, then expand neyland seating, they better have a plan for more parking.

not related to seating, but I'm surprised they haven't covered the south endzone upper seats the same way they have the north endzone ones. Would have to move the vols signs to go on top of the roofline, but the ability to shoot fireworks all around the stadium would be pretty cool
Just stop. Renovate the parts of the stadium that need it. Why add more? It may fall down. Our West side was renovated roughly a decade ago. Now it's all under construction again for some reason, while they continue to not make improvements in other neglected areas. Some of the men's rooms still have the feeding troughs in the bathrooms, no joke. Also, very outdated concession areas and tight pathways.

How about stop taking people's seats just to add "club seats" that no one can afford to buy and the people that used to sit in said seats, have been displaced into terrible seating options in the end zones, or nose bleeds?......what a better way to say thank you to your fans.....

Before I get called out for being bitter....we are still in our long-standing seats, but no one else around us is. It sucks for them. Now just new faces each and every game and most could care less to watch the game and many are fans of the opposing team. All for what? Few extra bucks?

Just leave **** alone and continue to focus on winning. Because, if winning dries up, you'll have tons of empty seats like Dooley, Jones, Pruitt eras. Just stop already and enjoy the ride, enjoy the current situation. All the damn construction makes it hard to park, enter the stadium, and move about. Just chill out.
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We’ve got plenty of seats. Finish the drill on renovations
completely agree... Neyland needs a lot of work... especially the upper decks and the south side. Also, paint the dang steel... the rust is looking a little rough (thought for sure they would do this in the off season, but maybe they are waiting until the construction is done)
I just hope they don't decide that 11.5" wide seats is the answer.
I must admit the additional concourse in the south end zone has really improved exiting the stadium.
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