When you examine what I call line changes ( substitution of 5 at a time every 2-4 Minutes ),you will see that what one ( at least I do )would consider starters on other teams ( what I would refer to regular practices/systems ) those starters are sprinkled throughout each line change.Now ,this practice does a lot of things imo : 1) it gives all members of the team a chance to develop their skill sets quicker under fire both offensively and defensively;2) It gives the individual and the team a really good opportunity to capitalize/optimize each team member's individual skills ( if execution is done under the scheme ) , viola the team benefits immensely ;and ,3) it has the obvious advantage to keep players fresh .
Now these are not breath taking observations but I just felt the need today to put in writing what has evolved with this team and Coach's systems from my perspective. And ,oh by the way along the way our Coach is fielding two teams of 5 each who become familiar with each other as the season develops and any absence of one or even two players for any reason has minimal adverse effect on the overall team as a whole.
Now these are not breath taking observations but I just felt the need today to put in writing what has evolved with this team and Coach's systems from my perspective. And ,oh by the way along the way our Coach is fielding two teams of 5 each who become familiar with each other as the season develops and any absence of one or even two players for any reason has minimal adverse effect on the overall team as a whole.