Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator II



Senior Member
Sep 15, 2011
Anybody have this? I have been messing around with it for a week or so and it is awesome!!! With hundreds of community created mods you can have crazy epic battles of millions of troops. Anything from Revolutionary War RedCoats vs. The Predator. Or WW2 soldiers vs. Orcs. Just about anything you can think of - Jedi vs. Spartans... etc. I have been obsessed with it haha. There are YouTube channels dedicated to it as well. And the blood.. THE BLOOD!! You can have lakes of blood after the battles. You have full control over either team including possessing a single troop and participate in the battle. You can unleash Nukes, Tsunami's, Tornados... It is really really fun. But beware, some of the bigger troop battles can take hours if you balance them well. Tons of fun and would recommend. It's on sale on Steam right now for $10.
To me personally it's a game that's more fun to watch other people play than to actually play. It's a cool concept though.
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