INDIANAPOLIS – University of Tennessee senior linebacker Brent Brewer and junior rower Courtney Fritts have been invited to the NCAA Career in Sports Forum to be held June 8-11 in Indianapolis.
The NCAA will provide education on career development and potential career opportunities for nearly 300 student-athletes from Divisions I, II and III at the forum, which will focus on assisting student-athletes with making a successful transition from competition to their future professions in intercollegiate athletics.
The Career in Sports Forum brings career leaders together to discuss their professional career paths and to enlighten student-athletes on career choices and future decisions they’ll need to consider.
Some of the session topics include discussion on skills sets needed to perform at the highest level; nontraditional careers in athletics; best practices in athletics administration; personal and professional branding; resources for applying to graduate school; and human resource hiring processes.
There are also team sessions where the student-athletes are put in smaller groups to discuss key issues and take leadership roles amongst their peers. The student-athletes will also engage in dialogue with senior administrators from the NCAA national office and will have a formal networking dinner with NCAA administrators.
The student-athletes who were selected for the Career in Sports Forum were chosen by a committee made up of administrators from member institutions, conference offices and affiliate member organizations. Also included are the 2013-14 Ethnic Minority & Women’s Enhancement Postgraduate Scholarship recipients.
In addition to the Career in Sports Forum, the NCAA hosts a wide array of programming designed to enhance skills sets and prepare student-athletes and administrators for leadership opportunities. The NCAA Leadership Development group oversees the leadership and grant programs, along with the development of various types of membership resources.
For more information on NCAA Leadership Development programs, http:/
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