"MockingVol's RF Thread in a Bottle"
*All characters in this post are entirely fictional and are totally not based on actual posters*
17' TX DT Sir Dudley Diddleson
MockedOutAwake - Check out this recruit. He is 6'14" tall and weighs 330 lbs. He is showing a lot of interest here recently.
Mokingdom - I don't even see him in the 15' top 100... Why can't we just take TG? And Sweat? And South? And every other 5 star?
MockFuture - Shut up dude. You are so wickity wickity wack yo!
iMeller - +1 Mockfuture
Murger - Yeah Mokingdom, the only way I could hate you more is if you were a minority!
Mockbone - How does one learn to hate something other than themselves Murger???
LebMock - Well I kind of agree with him, number are tight for the 17' class. I recently stayed at a Holiday Inn (Which I own) and am feeling that my calculus is spot on.
Ron Mockson - Unite Mocksonites let us all ignore the heathen that posted before me!
Migchig - *Shaking titties gif*
Frock - Hmmmmmmm.... Seems tasteful to me.
Migchig - *boom gifs*
Terrymockigo - I can haz te boobies?? and know what else has boobies is the recruits we is after! GBFOGFWBBQLOL
utkmock - Did someone say breasts on grown men?!
Mockna - *Every single emoticon in the known universe*
MockvilleVol - I SURE AS HELL DO!!
TheBreakerMock - Do you guys even body calipers???
Nashmockas31 - And here I thought I was in the Sir Dudley Diddleson thread....
Mokatil - At a recent camp with junior I snagged a sideways picture of this guy, he I huge!
BruinMock - *I am always silently watching over you all...*