⚽️ Lady Vols Soccer

Leave it to Rickster to try and sugarcoat what was an /extremely/ disappointing season--for reasons that are obvious. We won 20 games last year, 11 games this year with 10 of 11 starters back. Four of those wins came against non-conference cupcakes, then five came against the 5 worst teams in the SEC this season--NONE of whom made the SEC or NCAA tourney. Our other two wins came against a mid-pack Georgia team--that then beat us in the first round of the SEC tourney--and an upper-mid Vandy team, which was our best win of the season, as it turned out--and Vandy was RPI no. 49 in the nation. And this from a team that was close to a top 5 national team last year.

Leave it to you to call out a poster for congratulating a team on their season. I guess I should be thankful, given your extremely poor communication skills, you didn't write a 1000 word essay. Just so you are aware, no one of any significance thinks you have a clue. Just a hater looking to discredit the teams and coaches. Soccer, softball, basketball, football, you insult them all with vigor. You have zero integrity as far as I'm concerned. ZERO.
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With all due respect, from someone of no particular “significance,” congratulations to the team is entirely appropriate. But, so is deep disappointment in the season’s results. I think turbo’s comments have been spot-on throughout the season, particularly concerning strategy and formation. The 3 back system NEVER worked except against our least capable opponents. It was a horrible and unnecessary coaching choice, stubbornly maintained all season without any reasonable justification in my opinion. Given better and more flexible strategy, this team was a top-10 side nationally.
With all due respect, from someone of no particular “significance,” congratulations to the team is entirely appropriate. But, so is deep disappointment in the season’s results. I think turbo’s comments have been spot-on throughout the season, particularly concerning strategy and formation. The 3 back system NEVER worked except against our least capable opponents. It was a horrible and unnecessary coaching choice, stubbornly maintained all season without any reasonable justification in my opinion. Given better and more flexible strategy, this team was a top-10 side nationally.

Disagree. He knows nothing no matter how he tries to throw words at it.
Disagree. He knows nothing no matter how he tries to throw words at it.

I have more sports knowledge in my little finger than you. Shall we compare our sports backgrounds and see who knows more? You'd lose. I was an athlete at Tennessee. My dad was a Tennessee athlete and then later a coach. I have written multiple sports books. And you?

I congratulate teams when they play well, and are coached well, and deserve to be congratulated. When they are not good, I say so. We haven't been good in women's basketball for 20 years. You are a know-nothing Pollyanna who couldn't understand why Holly Warlick got criticized. You don't know the first thing about sports. That is obvious. We had the worst coach in women's basketball for years, who practically ran the program into the ground, and you were upset that Warlick was getting criticized. We went from being a national contender every year in women's basketball to finishing 6th in the SEC--and you got your pink undies in a knot because the critics came out. You alert me when our women's basketball team is good again, ace.

The soccer team was not good this year--period. Being co-champion of a division means little--we showed that when we lost our first SEC tourney game and our first NCAA game. The team regressed significantly--fact. I deal in facts. I don't pretend things are swell when they clearly aren't. You deal in sugar cookies, orange sprinkles and naivety. And, oh, I use "words" because I'm articulate. I'm sorry the same can't be said of you.
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I have more sports knowledge in my little finger than you. I congratulate teams when they play well, and are coached well, and deserve to be congratulated. When they are not good, I say so. We haven't been good in women's basketball for 20 years. You are a no-nothing Pollyanna who couldn't understand why Holly Warlick got criticized. We had the worst coach in women's basketball for years, who practically ran the program into the ground, and you were upset that Warlick was getting criticized. We went from being a national contender every year in women's basketball to finishing 6th in the SEC--and you got your pink undies in a knot because the critics came out. You alert me when our women's basketball team is good again, ace.

The soccer team was not good this year--period. Being co-champion of a division means little--we showed that when we lost our first SEC tourney game and our first NCAA game. The team regressed significantly--fact. I deal in facts. I don't pretend things are swell when they clearly aren't. You deal in sugar cookies, orange sprinkles and naivety.

You're still dumber than a box of rocks. And yes, I do support the Lady Vol coaches both past and present. Players too. Administration too. That obviously irks a person whose entire platform is bashing coaches and players and administration and fans and..... You were obviously abused at some point to have a negative outlook on every sport the university fields. I guess everything's all about you and you believe that empowers you to reach out and confront those that don't agree with your opinions. Classic trolling by you.
Leave it to you to call out a poster for congratulating a team on their season. I guess I should be thankful, given your extremely poor communication skills, you didn't write a 1000 word essay. Just so you are aware, no one of any significance thinks you have a clue. Just a hater looking to discredit the teams and coaches. Soccer, softball, basketball, football, you insult them all with vigor. You have zero integrity as far as I'm concerned. ZERO.

While your opinion may be a bit harsh, I have to agree in principal. And Turbovol has made the same points again and again. I counted six e-mails with the same repetitive criticisms before I stopped looking. Give it a rest!

I worked at UT in another department which dealt with the public, a public sometimes critical of what we did. Most critics didn’t have a clue what we really did for a living, and we didn’t pay much attention. I presume the soccer staff has had better things to do than to dwell on what this forum says. Only one person hires and fires: the Athletic Director. He may get input from University administration, but it rarely rises to an extreme level. As someone pointed out, Mr. Kirk’s job is in a non-revenue sport. At most, attendance might affect soft drink and hot dog sales.

Mr. Kirk suddenly inherited a coachless team in the winter. He held the team together when a frenzied run for the exits might have occurred. He stuck with an early schedule which he, presumably, inherited from Penske. The LVs were co-champions of their division. No one is firing him anytime soon. He also moved from a longtime assistant position to Head Guy. When that happens, one has a different relationship with players or employees than was formerly the case. It is a learning curve. He is no longer the Good Cop. It takes a while to learn to make hard decisions. I’ve been there, too. Whether he will progress or not is up to him. But he deserves the chance without a lot of backbiting among the (anonymous) fan base. He was hired because he is an experienced professional with a proven track record and potential as a head coach. A defensible hire without question.

Lastly, I’ve not seen anyone speculate that last year, and not this year, was the outlier. Maybe this year’s returning 10 were the real team, and last year’s team the Cinderella group. Just asking. This year, it seemed as if the opposition had figured us out and adjusted accordingly. Perhaps last year was the anomaly, not this year.
You're still dumber than a box of rocks. And yes, I do support the Lady Vol coaches both past and present. Players too. Administration too. That obviously irks a person whose entire platform is bashing coaches and players and administration and fans and..... You were obviously abused at some point to have a negative outlook on every sport the university fields. I guess everything's all about you and you believe that empowers you to reach out and confront those that don't agree with your opinions. Classic trolling by you.

I don't troll anybody. I don't take you seriously because you know nothing. You seem to think that we should all be positive when teams and players are not playing well, and teams are not being well-coached. I analyze, you cheer. That's fine---but don't pretend teams are good and playing well when they clearly aren't, which is what you do. Our women's BB program has not been good for 20 years--big, fat fact. Our softball program has fallen off significantly. When we are playing well, I say so. When we aren't, I say so.
I don't troll anybody. I don't take you seriously because you know nothing. You seem to think that we should all be positive when teams and players are not playing well, and teams are not being well-coached. I analyze, you cheer. That's fine---but don't pretend teams are good and playing well when they clearly aren't, which is what you do. Our women's BB program has not been good for 20 years--big, fat fact. Our softball program has fallen off significantly. When we are playing well, I say so. When we aren't, I say so.

Once again, wrong on all counts. I do criticize but find it unnecessary to denigrate players and coaches like you. It's not always what you say, its how you say it (over and over again). What you think about me is irrelevant and has nothing to do with sports. I do believe you know little about UT sports and no amount of bullying and name calling will make me believe otherwise. You do troll.
I don't troll anybody. I don't take you seriously because you know nothing. You seem to think that we should all be positive when teams and players are not playing well, and teams are not being well-coached. I analyze, you cheer. That's fine---but don't pretend teams are good and playing well when they clearly aren't, which is what you do. Our women's BB program has not been good for 20 years--big, fat fact. Our softball program has fallen off significantly. When we are playing well, I say so. When we aren't, I say so.

Regarding your "big, fat fact": In 2002-2003 (20 years ago), the Lady Vols went 33-5, about average for the program at the time. That season was followed by 31-4, 30-5, 31-5 and 34-3 and 36-2. It wasn't until 2008-2009 that the team record showed decline at 22-11. Fifteen years ago. Fact, sir.
Once again, wrong on all counts. I do criticize but find it unnecessary to denigrate players and coaches like you. It's not always what you say, its how you say it (over and over again). What you think about me is irrelevant and has nothing to do with sports. I do believe you know little about UT sports and no amount of bullying and name calling will make me believe otherwise. You do troll.

You do your thing, Ricky, I'll do mine. I do criticize poor coaching--and will continue to. I have praised our swimming coach--because he's good and we win; I praise our men's tennis coach, because he's good and he wins; I have praised Barnes because he's done a super job with men's basketball and he wins. I have praised Heupel. It doesn't take Einstein to see who can coach and who is questionable--see the results. That's all--I'm not responding to you anymore.
You do your thing, Ricky, I'll do mine. I do criticize poor coaching--and will continue to. I have praised our swimming coach--because he's good and we win; I praise our men's tennis coach, because he's good and he wins; I have praised Barnes because he's done a super job with men's basketball and he wins. I have praised Heupel. It doesn't take Einstein to see who can coach and who is questionable--see the results. That's all--I'm not responding to you anymore.

Wrong name skippy. Don't see any praise you droll out and doubt very seriously it is significant. Problem with people like you is they throw out all this talk like they are an expert but have no idea what goes on behind the team play on the field. No coaching experience. No sports organization management experience. No college playing experience, etc ....yet you want everyone to believe your opinion about what is going on with the team is credible. I guess you try to achieve that by writing long winded posts that actually say little more than the coach is terrible and so & so is not talented. With you, everything is about optics and how you see things. No room for other opinions. This thread is titled Tennessee Soccer, not TurboVols

I would consider myself lucky if you didn't respond to me anymore but fact is, we're completely different people who were obviously raised in different cultures. I rarely agree with how you say anything so it is only a matter of time before I have an alternative viewpoint and you reach out to marginalize me or you say something so ignorant I do it to you.
Regarding your "big, fat fact": In 2002-2003 (20 years ago), the Lady Vols went 33-5, about average for the program at the time. That season was followed by 31-4, 30-5, 31-5 and 34-3 and 36-2. It wasn't until 2008-2009 that the team record showed decline at 22-11. Fifteen years ago. Fact, sir.

Fifteen years! Fine. Thanks for the correction. I was generalizing. When was the last time our women's BB team was even IN a Final four? The point stands--our women's basketball program hasn't been good for a LONG time. I used to irritate Maria Cornelius many years ago on another board when I started pointing out--before anyone, really--our increasingly serious offensive problems under Summitt. We didn't move the ball well, didn't pass well, were sloppy, didn't shoot well. We were still winning games--but a lot of our wins were ugly--and meantime Geno's Connecticut Huskies were on the come and starting to win national titles. I said on the boards: We better fix the offense or we'll be eating Geno's dust--precisely what I hoped we could PREVENT by getting better offensively--but the offense didn't improve. UConn's titles went from 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 and then past our total. And along the way, Geno was 4-0 against Summitt, I believe, and all because his offense was better. The diehards didn't like any criticism of Summitt--for whom I had huge respect--but certain issues are obvious and get pointed out. And if they continue to be obvious and don't get fixed, they will keep getting pointed out. With respect to our soccer season, it made no sense to change a system that worked wonderfully last year--and it certainly made no sense to stick with the new setup when it became obvious that it the team wasn't clicking. If that makes me negative, what can I say.
Wrong name skippy. Don't see any praise you droll out and doubt very seriously it is significant. Problem with people like you is they throw out all this talk like they are an expert but have no idea what goes on behind the team play on the field. No coaching experience. No sports organization management experience. No college playing experience, etc ....yet you want everyone to believe your opinion about what is going on with the team is credible. I guess you try to achieve that by writing long winded posts that actually say little more than the coach is terrible and so & so is not talented. With you, everything is about optics and how you see things. No room for other opinions. This thread is titled Tennessee Soccer, not TurboVols

I would consider myself lucky if you didn't respond to me anymore but fact is, we're completely different people who were obviously raised in different cultures. I rarely agree with how you say anything so it is only a matter of time before I have an alternative viewpoint and you reach out to marginalize me or you say something so ignorant I do it to you.

I didn't respond to you, Rickey. You ventured over here. Sports is a results-oriented business; you should know that. As I said, you do your thing, I'll do mine. Put me on ignore--you'll feel better.
I didn't respond to you, Rickey. You ventured over here. Sports is a results-oriented business; you should know that. As I said, you do your thing, I'll do mine. Put me on ignore--you'll feel better.

Wrong again Skippy. I didn't venture anywhere and you're not the soccer thread police. I'm here a lot and in other forums since I retired and don't feel like I need to post all the time unlike some. I'm not going to ignore you. I don't turn the other cheek or hide from bullies. I'm sure you are really concerned with my feeling better.....another backhanded slap you are famous for.
Wrong again Skippy. I didn't venture anywhere and you're not the soccer thread police. I'm here a lot and in other forums since I retired and don't feel like I need to post all the time unlike some. I'm not going to ignore you. I don't turn the other cheek or hide from bullies. I'm sure you are really concerned with my feeling better.....another backhanded slap you are famous for.

If you're here a lot, Rickey, then feel free to contribute some of your soccer insights and analyses to the page. Except you've never done that and I don't think you know the first thing about soccer.
If you're here a lot, Rickey, then feel free to contribute some of your soccer insights and analyses to the page. Except you've never done that and I don't think you know the first thing about soccer.

Why should I post with you shooting first and asking questions later to anyone who ventures an opinion different than yours? I congratulated the team and you take exception because you don't think they deserve it!!! Pompous!!! Like I said before, I am not one of those who believe every post is about them and who believe they need to control the narrative. You go to basketball and softball threads and don't have a clue. That much is obvious. Is this another one of your rules, one can't post in a forum unless they are an expert you approve of?
Maybe his daughter will play for the Vols?

I gotta believe we are recruiting her, especially if she is Peerless Price's daughter. She's a 4-star prospect who played on the U.S. U15 National team recently, and was one of 23 players invited to the first U16 National Team camp, so she's obviously talented.
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Wow--very surprised to read this. Henderson last year had her as one of his top keeper draft prospects, but haven't seen any notes by him on keepers this season--probably missed them. She has the size and athleticism you want in a keeper, and surely would have gotten on a pro roster somewhere next year. I wonder if injuries had anything to do with this decision; she has been fairly injury prone in her career. So, yea, quite surprising, but wish her the best.
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Wow--very surprised to read this. Henderson last year had her as one of his top keeper draft prospects, but haven't seen any notes by him on keepers this season--probably missed them. She has the size and athleticism you want in a keeper, and surely would have gotten on a pro roster somewhere next year. I wonder if injuries had anything to do with this decision; she has been fairly injury prone in her career. So, yea, quite surprising, but wish her the best.
Injuries i am sure!

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