there it is. the new Dem excuse for losing the White House.The first thing they do after this election is do away with their ridiculous way of finding a candidate. There is no reason for this process to drag into June but it will and it might cost them the White House.
there it is. the new Dem excuse for losing the White House.
your early start on hedging sounds like many of our basketball fans heading into the tourney.
I find it interesting how Democrats were so concerned about disenfranchised FL voters during the 2000 Bush-Gore election; but have set up rules so that Michigan and Florida votes are not counted in their own primary elections.
Now, Hillary wants a revote simply for her own political gain while Reverend Sharpton and Jackson, who were so vocal in 2000, are against it.
but, as was pointed out earlier, it's a bit curious that Jesse and Al aren't beating the drum for the re-votes.Of course, that's why it's called politics. These people, all of them, will do whatever is in their best interest. If she knew she would lose those states in a landslide than she would have a different opinion on the subject. There is no way Michigan can count without a do over seeing that Obama wasn't even on the ballot. If all the candidates knew that these states would not count before the primaries started, and they did, than they should stick to the rules of the game they decided to play. The real mistake was the DNC making the decision not to count them in the first place.