'10 AR TE/OL Dakota Mosley


Tennessee Jack

Sinaasappel is terug.
Jan 10, 2009

Tight end/lineman prospect
Little Rock (AR) Little Rock Christian

Ht: 6-foot-4
Wt: 252 lbs
Forty: 4.82 secs

Scout.com: Vols top choice for Arkansas tight end

Yeah I probably would commit on the spot, especially after my visit there this weekend. I loved everything about the school. The coaching staff is incredible and I really enjoyed meeting the current players on the team.

quick hits---

• High school teammate of RB Michael Dyer.

• Someone who has offered some really good info on Mosley and Dyer up to this point has stated that Orgeron wants to give Mosley a look on the D-line.

Welcome to DakotaMosley1.com
Dakota Mosley - Football Recruiting
Scout.com: Dakota Mosley Profile
Dakota Mosley - College Football Recruiting 2010 - ESPN
Honestly, I'd offer just to get in better with Dyer, but if he can actually play, even more of a bonus.
I'd take him anyway and make him a DE, but I don't think anyone knows if he is actually close w/ dyer and would influence him. Dyer's not a must get for us this year, imo
is he willing to try new positions? Will we offer?

He has been told he'll get a shot at TE, but I believe since Tennessee's his favorite he would try other positions if he could be more successful there--TE/OL/DL.

I don't think anyone knows if he is actually close w/ dyer and would influence him.

he and Dyer have made every trip thus far except this one. they're expected to return June 1st for summer position camps. I also heard that Orgeron will attend spring practices in May at their school. They would like to play together, but they're not necessarily a package deal.
"We got up there on Friday actually so I got a chance to see a lot of things and visit with the coaches, and then we were there for everything on Saturday," Mosley said of hi visit. "I loved it. It was really great, especially all the fans."

"I would say the Vol Walk was my favorite part of the day. It was something to see that kind of support for the spring game. I would have been impressed if it was a real game."

"Coach Orgeron is great. He has me laughing all the time," Mosley offered. "I knew him from before when he was at Ole Miss. I enjoyed all the staff there. I spent the most time talking with him and coach (James) Cregg, the tight ends coach."

"I will definitely be back up there for camp on June 1 & 2," he said. "I had an outstanding visit there. If I do get an offer, it would be hard to turn down, that's for sure."

On going to the same college as Dyer:
"We talk about it all the time, probably everyday. We're best friends and have been ever since I've lived in Little Rock," Mosley said when asked whether he and Dyer entertained thoughts of heading to the same college program. "We had workouts on Monday morning at 7:00 am and when I got out of the car he ran over to me and was asking me all about how Tennessee was and what it was like up there."

"I told him it was great. He's going to be coming to camp with me."

New article on VQ... I really like the part about him and Dyer being best friends...
Last edited:
5/21, with Trey Biddy---


The schools that are recruiting me the hardest right now are Auburn and Tennessee and Oklahoma. They're just showing more interest, talking to me on the phone, wanting me to call them every week.

He was also asked by the staff if he would mind moving to the interior line if that didn't work out. (There's no mention of his feelings on such a scenario.) I hope he can earn an offer when he camps at the beginning of June. He seems like a high-character guy that would represent the school well.

from 5/19, he told Logan Lowery---


I'm about 95-percent sure that Auburn and Oklahoma are going to offer me.
I say UT will wait and see how much they are in with Dyer, and if they got an extra scholly to burn, then they would offer to make another impression on Dyer.
Would love to get Dyer.

Would love to get Anthony Barr and Ronald Powell, too. Have a sneaking suspician that they will be at USC
Posted via VolNation Mobile
Would rather have Barr and Powell in a hearbeat. Those kids will be straight up studs in the college ranks.
"Auburn is No. 1 for sure right now," he said. "I think it's a great place. I like the campus and they have huge facilities and they're going to get better. The coaching staff is great and I like the town and everything."

Per Rivals... Auburn just offered him...
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Auburn is only #1 because they offered, hence why he said "right now." If we offer, I wouldn't be surprised to see us back as his #1, which could also help greatly with Dyer. I have a feeling Orgeron will reel both of these guys in by NSD
"Everything is going really well. I got an offer from Auburn like a month ago and last week Tennessee gave me an offer," Mosley said. "It feels great because a lot of people dream of having that and it is something I am thankful for."

Per Rivals... UT has now officially offered...

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