'10 CA WR Kaelin Clay



diet coke!!!
Jan 5, 2009

Wide Receiver
Long Beach (CA) Poly
Ht: 5-foot-9
Wt: 167 lbs
Forty: 4.57 secs
Vertical: 31 inches
Shuttle: 4.47 secs
Class: 2010 (High School)

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video says we have been in contact with him. guy is no.138 in rivals 250 with 0 offers. high school team runs it most of the time so he didnt catch it that much and had to block which is good to know for a college since he 5'9 170. an offer from usc would pretty much seal the deal cuz he says distance "might" be a factor.

Kaelin Clay - Football Recruiting
Scout.com: Kaelin Clay Profile
Kaelin Clay - College Football Recruiting 2010 - ESPN
I've been watching this kid film for a while. I like his speed and playmaking ability. He could be a good slot man here. We need to offer him. He has good game speed and tracks the ball pretty good from what I've watched.
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