Tennessee Jack
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Ft. Lauderdale (FL) St. Thomas Aquinas
Ht: 6-foot-0
Wt: 180 lbs
I don't really know much about Robinson. He's part of a vaulted Aquinas secondary, that also includes Cody Riggs, Lamarcus Joyner, and Keion Payne.
He recently was interviewed by Chad Simmons of Scout.com. He told Simmons, that he wanted to leave the state to play college ball.
He named West Virginia his leader in February, but he seems to be fairly open at the moment.
Tennessee is one of his most recent offers. He appears to be a very laid back and low key guy away from the field.
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Brian Robinson - Football Recruiting
Scout.com: Brian Robinson Profile
Brian Robinson - College Football Recruiting 2010 - ESPN