Barry tried to cover up a murder? Barry covered up sexual assault? Barry begged their star female basketball player to lie about her sexuality? Must have missed that. An Oklahoma President got fired bc of their mishandling of these things? Nope. Baylor is just especially corrupt.And Oklahoma doesn't? Barry Switzer much?
Trying to cover up murder, sexual assault, and trying to convince your biggest basketball star to hide her sexuality is FAR worse then anything Oklahoma has done. You disagree with that?I never said Baylor was clean but you trying to say they are worse than Oklahoma is just crazy.
I never said Baylor was clean but you trying to say they are worse than Oklahoma is just crazy.
Lol. So you think Baylor is less trashy? You should really evaluate what you think matters in this world. Let me know when OK has a coach who tried to cover up murder, one who tried to cover up sexual assault which even led to the President of the school being forced to resign, and then forcing their best player to hide their sexuality. Jesus man. You can hate OK. But this school is damn near close to Penn State bad. Maybe worse bc they never learned from their problems.I agree that Oklahoma is a trash school.
Trying to cover up murder, sexual assault, and trying to convince your biggest basketball star to hide her sexuality is FAR worse then anything Oklahoma has done. You disagree with that?
On top of that they wrap themselves in the flag of religion. Which is fine. Until you keep showing you don’t give a crap about what’s right when it comes to sports.
You could also insert a gif of someone crapping their pants here. That is possibly the worst 2nd half performance I have ever seen. Baylor tried to run the clock out and it bit them.
Gets your facts together. Thompson (QB) went to prison for the cocaine. And yes, they had incidents at the players dorms. But let’s be clear on one thing about Switzer. Except for probably how the Marcus Dupree situation was handled (depends on who you speak with and even Dupree now defends Switzer), Switzer was doing more for the poor black athletes than any coach out there at the time. I doubt Art Briles gave a piss.
Trying to cover up murder, sexual assault, and trying to convince your biggest basketball star to hide her sexuality is FAR worse then anything Oklahoma has done. You disagree with that?
On top of that they wrap themselves in the flag of religion. Which is fine. Until you keep showing you don’t give a crap about what’s right when it comes to sports.