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Memphis (TN) Mitchell
Ht: 6-foot-1
Wt: 195 lbs
Forty: 4.6 secs
Silas is a teammate of WR Keiwone Malone, Veronicco Jenkins (OL/DL) and Rodregus Scruggs (OL). Malone is currently the only one with an offer, but has verbally pledged to Alabama.
Described as a "tweener," Silas could receive an offer at the linebacker spot if he continues to perform at a high level.
He registered 94 tackles and 5 sacks as a junior.
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Devin Silas Profile - Football Recruiting
Ht: 6-foot-1
Wt: 195 lbs
Forty: 4.6 secs
Silas is a teammate of WR Keiwone Malone, Veronicco Jenkins (OL/DL) and Rodregus Scruggs (OL). Malone is currently the only one with an offer, but has verbally pledged to Alabama.
Described as a "tweener," Silas could receive an offer at the linebacker spot if he continues to perform at a high level.
He registered 94 tackles and 5 sacks as a junior.
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Devin Silas Profile - Football Recruiting