12 Games are Coming


Schools are now allowed 12th games only in seasons when there are 14 Saturdays between Labor Day weekend and the last weekend in November. The 2003 season qualified for additional games, but the next won't come until 2008.
I wish that they would play year round. That would be great! The BCS would be really be crazy if that ever happened.
Interesting how they want to add a 12th game now, but when playoff discussions come up they always say that they don't want to extend the season :blink:

With 12 regular season games, and if a team plays Hawaii -or- a preseason bowl, and if they play in a conference championship game, and a bowl game = 15 games.

However, if you go back to 11 regular season games, a conference championship, and have at least an 8-team playoff (round of 8, final 4, championship game) = 15 games. eliminate the conference championship, add round of 16 = 15 games

It would be very rare to have a team play 15 games in a season, but I believe that it has already happened. In 2003, Kansas State played Cal in a preseason bowl, 12 regular season games, the BigXII championship game, and a bowl = 15 games.

It would still be rare. Maybe 2 teams could finish with 15 games, but both would have to be from a conference that has a championship game. However, 2 teams per season is not outrageous. I still think its time for a playoff.
What if the team ends up in the +1 BCS game, if the BCS moves to that format?
A team could play the preseason game, 12 reg season, conference championship game, regular bowl game, then the BCS +1 game. Folks that's 16 games.

Time for a playoff. Pure and simple. Take the Big 12, Big 11, ACC, SEC, & PAC 10 champs (AFTER a conference game), and 3 at large teams. All at large teams and the lowest ranked conference champ are all road teams. Seed them 1 vs 8, 2 vs 7, ect.

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