About six years ago, due to finance companies buying out other finance companies, I found myself unemployed. I did receive a retention bonus for keeping our systems running until the bitter end and also got severance pay. I refused to take unemployment. Six months later when I still could not find a job in my area of expertise (IT/Data Processing), I took what little was left of my severance pay, went to truck driving school for three weeks and got a job driving a big rig. For two years we barely made ends meet and I was hardly ever at home, but finally I got hired into my current Programmer Analyst position. It was a tough two years, but at the end of it, I was beholden to no one, especially not the government.
I'm not sharing this to brag, but to make the point that this is the only attitude that will throw off the government monkey on our backs, when we stop looking to the government to do for us and start showing a willingness to endure hardship rather than surrender liberty and honor.