13 more days of vacation.

Hey LiO, how the heck are you? Seems like it has been forever since we got to go post-to-post.

I still have another week of summer school to conduct next week and then three weeks off.

Are you guys going back in two weeks, really?

Well, gotta hit the shower real quick like and then I will return to the board, yessirree! And I will undoubtedly smell a little bit better minus the salt that is presently propped upon my tired golf-battered body! :(
LiO, I know what you're saying, sweetie. We have to go back August 5th. I mean, it seems like we just started our vacation. Where in the world did the summer go?

But, of course, there is one good thing about the summer ending. Football! :laugh1:

True, Crystal, true. :p

I just wish we'd go to school year-round and get out a few days in the winter when it is SO cold, but refuses to snow.

We haven't had a good snow in Morristown in ages.

It&#39;s just a terrible feeling about the middle of January, when you watch the nightly news at 11:00....and Grainger, Hawkins, Hancock, Cocke, Jefferson, Sevier, and Anderson counties are all out for school because of snow. Poor Hamblen county...I think we did get to go "One hour late" once last year. <_<

Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 20, 2005 9:46 PM
Do they not have pavement in your district?


I&#39;ve only been out of school once for rain. It came a huge thunderstorm the night before...

I&#39;m just lucky for living on a hill. :laugh1:

We get snow so rarely it&#39;s not funny. I can only remember snow in Hillsboro maybe 5 times in my life.
Originally posted by GAVol@Jul 20, 2005 9:46 PM
Do they not have pavement in your district?

We are right on the Tennessee River and every so often the river floods. Some of the bus routes and bridges are underwater, so they won&#39;t risk running the buses. I have never understood why they don&#39;t just let the ones come who can and put those silly snow/rain days ( which are hardly ever used) back on the summer. Our county&#39;s teachers work 10 extra minutes per day to "build" 13 inclement weather days. If we don&#39;t use them for inclement weather, they are gone and we don&#39;t get paid for the extra time. 10 minutes a day for 180 days adds up&#33;

*Steps down off of soapbox.*
My wife gripes about that extra 10 minutes a day too LIO, kids here start Aug 9th, how bout your kids?
Originally posted by surrealvol@Jul 20, 2005 9:10 PM
minus the salt that is presently propped upon my tired golf-battered body&#33; :(

Dude, I played yesterday afternoon, too. I&#39;ve got to say that it was probably the most miserable I&#39;ve ever been on a course. After 20 minutes on the range, I was drenched. Not a big fan of teeing off of the first with a wet glove, no more water, and halfway to a heat stroke.

Needless to say, we pulled up after 9 and headed for the lake&#33;
I cant believe they start back so early&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33; I think public school starts around the 12th or 15th here. My kids dont start till Sept 1st&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;
Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 21, 2005 11:40 AM

Needless to say, we pulled up after 9 and headed for the lake&#33;

That&#39;s what we should have done&#33;&#33;&#33;
Originally posted by volmanjr@Jul 21, 2005 10:19 AM
My wife gripes about that extra 10 minutes a day too LIO, kids here start  Aug 9th, how bout your kids?

The 10th here, jr.
I remember when most of the schools up this way used to not start until after Labor Day and they always managed to get out at about the same time they do now or even earlier.

Hey LiO, how are things going at this point with you and yours?

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