I may have misused my wordage on the post, Hubbs said Morris was texting & calling the staff during the Army All-American week wanting them to show interest. I took that as him wanting an offer. PFort reiterated the same thing again today when asked about Morris on VQ. So I should apology for saying he was begging for an offer as it was my comprehension of Hubbs post that made me post that.
Secondly, no way no how would that cost Tennessee getting a recruit. If a kid is wanting to come to Tennessee it won't be b/c of someone said or did not say on a message board, whether it's media or a random poster like me. A kid will choose a school on multiple reasons.
-Paul Fortenberry, (VolQuest.com).I think Morris was really interested and let the Tennessee staff know that before he visited and then he's just kind of gone silent with everyone. I wonder if it frustrated Tennessee at all that he calls them a couple of weeks in a row and hints that he wants to be a Vol and then does nothing on the visit. He told me last night he's going to have a signing day decision and may be done with visits, but that it's not over. So, I'm not sure what he's thinking. As of right now, I think he sticks with UCLA.
I just don't think it looked good to Morris. I don't know if it was his deciding factor but it sure didn't help. Case in point he mentioned it on twitter, basically saying it pissed him off
Understandable, as I said I apology for using the "begging for an offer" prhrase it was my comprehension to Hubbs post on VQ a few days ago saying Morris was blowing up the coaches phones wanting to be a Vol. & at the time he didn't have an offer from the current staff.
- HubbsTennessee is in Memphis today so maybe we get an idea on Morris today. The Morris deal is strange because over Christmas break and around the Army game he was calling, and texting Tennessee all the time trying to get them to offer him and visit him. He visits then shuts it down and seems to be back more towards UCLA.
I understand but Hubbs runs a site that represents UT. Things like that should be worded correctly,so there is no confusion on what's said. Apparently it pissed the guy off so I think I'm right this time.