18 Positions in Treasury requiring Obama Appointing



Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2006
And he has only appointed 1 - Tim Geithner.

Since the economy is the problem he inherited, shouldn't he concentrate on building his economic team.

Is he having trouble finding people who aren't tax cheats? Or is he only giving the economy lip service and is not really interested in it improving in the short run?

My thought, he may be having trouble filling these positions because economists don't believe in his economic plan.
A strong candidate pulled out yesterday.

I heard they are requiring full tax audit (including documentation/receipts for deductions) and several candidates are saying "screw it".

They also don't want Wall Streeters/Bankers because they've been trashing them so badly. The end result, they are excluding the experienced people they need.

So what happened to the "smoothest transition of power in history"?
A strong candidate pulled out yesterday.

I heard they are requiring full tax audit (including documentation/receipts for deductions) and several candidates are saying "screw it".

They also don't want Wall Streeters/Bankers because they've been trashing them so badly. The end result, they are excluding the experienced people they need.

So what happened to the "smoothest transition of power in history"?

At this point, can you blame them for wanting a full tax audit? The administration is damned if they damned if they don't on that aspect...
At this point, can you blame them for wanting a full tax audit? The administration is damned if they damned if they don't on that aspect...

Definitely don't blame them for wanting a tax audit, but kind of weird how they haven't found even one person other than Geithner yet to appoint.
At this point, can you blame them for wanting a full tax audit? The administration is damned if they damned if they don't on that aspect...

Yes and no I guess. I think the combo of the tax audit and the "you can't have any ties to WS" mentality is over doing it.

They dug their own (our own) grave with this one with all the high and mighty BS about fundamental change in Washington, no lobbyists, transparency, etc.
Definitely don't blame them for wanting a tax audit, but kind of weird how they haven't found even one person other than Geithner yet to appoint.

and he would not have been nominated if these same standards were in effect
Yes and no I guess. I think the combo of the tax audit and the "you can't have any ties to WS" mentality is over doing it.

They dug their own (our own) grave with this one with all the high and mighty BS about fundamental change in Washington, no lobbyists, transparency, etc.

no earmarks either
Well...it's a challenge :)

it would probably an easy job. i mean, you don't have to do much for at the 1st year. hussein has already raised taxes and he'll blame the continued problems on bush. just come in the office a few hours, hit the golf course. pretty simple.
Part of the problem could be the co-chair of Obambi's transition team, Valerie Jarrett (D-IL):

CBS News once called Chicago politician Valerie Jarrett “the other side of Barack Obama’s brain.” Residents of a housing project in Chicago simply know her as “slumlord.”

Jarrett is the former manager of Grove Parc Plaza, a controversial low-income housing project located in Obama’s former state senate district.

According to the Boston Globe, the housing complex was considered uninhabitable by unfixed problems, such as collapsed roofs and fire damage…

In 2006, federal inspectors graded the condition of the complex an 11 on a 100-point scale — a score so bad the buildings now face demolition.”

Jarrett is also linked to a series of other shady real estate scandals involving convicted felon and former Obama fund raiser Antoin “Tony” Rezko.

Jarrett was also caught up in the Blagojevich scandal as Obama’s Candidate #1 for his senate seat.

Most of Blagojevich’s corrupt negotiations with the Obama team centered on the possible Jarrett appointment.

She remains mum on the scandal.
What does that have to do with his failure to appoint people in the treasury positions

I would think "co-chair of the transition team" would be involved in locating potential appointees, would you not think so?

Perhaps part of the problem could be Barry's chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel who is said to be extremely overbearing as well as vindictive.

The inside scoop was that he and Obama wanted Jarret to fill the vacant Illinois Senate seat and when Blago didn't play ball, Emanuel tipped off the media that the Illinois governor was trying to sell the seat to the highest bidder.

What person with the accomplishments and statue to fill those Treasury positions would want to put their career on the line to fill some yes man role for a bunch of incompetents??

After all, Gaithner is just a yes man for Bernanke.
Was there any reason mentioned why he or she pulled out?

Todays Washington Post, aka Pravda on the Potomac:

Fourth Nominee Withdraws From Treasury's Roster

H. Rodgin Cohen, chairman of the New York law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, has withdrawn his name from consideration for deputy Treasury secretary, becoming the fourth pick for a prominent Treasury Department post to pull out in recent weeks.

A prominent attorney who has advised many of the top Wall Street firms, Cohen dropped out after the White House found an issue during his vetting process, two sources familiar with the matter said. The sources declined to identify the reason. Cohen did not respond to messages seeking comment.

Gus O'Donnell, Cabinet Secretary for the British government, was quoted this week in British news reports saying it has been "unbelievably difficult" to talk to people at the U.S. Treasury: "There is nobody there."

Others who removed themselves from consideration in recent weeks include Annette Nazareth, an attorney who was being considered for the deputy post; Lee Sachs, a former Treasury official in the Clinton administration, who was expected to be the under secretary for domestic finance; and International Monetary Fund official Caroline Atkinson, who was in line for under secretary for international affairs.

Lael Brainard, deputy national economic adviser under Clinton who was set to take a post at the State Department, instead is expected to be nominated as Treasury under secretary for international affairs, administration officials have said.

If anyone cares to keep an Obama faux pas count, here is a great list.

To answer your original question, imo;

1. Most of the people who are qualified fill the posts disagree with the policies.

2. Most retreads from the Clinton administration or those that agree with Obama policy, have real legal or ethical problems if submitted to any sort of meaningful scrutiny.

Maybe they should just get a phone book and start picking names at random.

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