That was 1969. I did not remember this factoid, however: "This was the year Dickey went to the veer offense. We put in a mixture of the dropback pass with the Houston veer, Dickey said. We got ahead of the learning curve on the defenses by doing that. They couldnt blitz us because if they did wed run the veer and Curt Watson would go sailing through there. We got a lot done offensively with that team."
Against the Bulldogs, "Crossvilles Curt Watson earned a school-record 197 yards and Jacksons Don McLeary added 100 behind the blocking of Franklins Steve Robinson, Pulaskis Don Denbo, Donelsons Mike Bevans, Decatur, Georgias Chip Kell and Clarksvilles Joe Balthrop. The game ended 17-3" (TENNESSEE AND GEORGIA, 38 YEARS AGO TODAY | The Vol Historian |