Oh yeah, I remember it well. (We have discussed this on here before) I was there with my family (I was 13 years old). My aunt is a UT alumni and got us some sweet seats, right in the middle of a sea of orange of course. It was my first UK road game ever. After the game UT fans proceeded to throw beer cans (some half full) at us on the sidewalk as we walked back to the car. For a few years I wasn't sure I wanted to go to any more away games. lol
However, I do not begrudge the throwing of the beer cans, because it was the biggest win arguably of the schools history at that point. Drunk rednecks love to throw beer cans when they celebrate, it doesn't matter what state it is. The problem is more about WHY someone would throw beer cans with beer still in them, its a waste. Must have been Coors light.
Also, looking back on it, that was one of the most poorly officiated sequence of plays I have ever seen in my life. (I'm not arguing this point, and I won't respond to any suggestion that I'm wrong. It was horrible. lol)
However, I do not begrudge that either due to the follow up massacre in the SEC tourney.
All in all, It was a great game to be a part of in TBA, I can tell ya that.